Let's innovate

in Project HOPE5 years ago

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Each time when politicians or economists speak about the future of the economy, you can be almost 100% sure that they will use the word innovation.

What is innovation?

Let me quote the wikipedia entry for innovation:

Innovation in its modern meaning is "a new idea, creative thoughts, new imaginations in form of device or method". Innovation is often also viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs...

Why we can all innovate

To innovate we don't need an R&D department. We don't need much funds. Everybody can innovate. The only thing we need is creativity.

How the complexity of the world can offer huge potential for innovation

Many think that innovation automatically means inventing new products or services. It is actually very difficult and expensive to create a completely new product and to bring it to market. The easiest and most successful innovation comes from taking existing things and to combine them together to create something new and better.

When we look back at the history of human kind, when people settled the west of what is today the USA, they were on their own. They had to build their houses, tend their fields, defend against indians, dig pits for their water supply, sew their own clothes. They needed a big variety of knowledge and skills to survive.

Today we have delegated big parts of these tasks to other people. We have restaurants that prepare us food, shops that provide us with everything, we buy houses from constructors and we often don't even know how to grow tomatoes ourselves. We have specialised a lot we have become very good in a very restricted field.

How can this be a potential for innovation?

We have not only specialised in the professional field, we have done the same with our interests and our time on the internet. There are millions of websites available on the internet but most of us only use about 10 to 20 sites. In this community, we have become very good at creating content on a blockchain but there are so many people out there that have no idea about blockchain. They ignore that you can actually get paid to create content and that you can reward others for their content.

The innovation comes if we step outside of what we are familiar with. If we open our mind for another community and bring them the knowledge of what we know, we are actually innovating. We merge two different knowledges together to make something better.

A great example for innovation

Maybe you are familiar with the CTP community on steem/hive. The founder @jongolson was into affiliate marketing for many years. Because he is very open minded and was searching for new opportunities, he discovered this blockchain based content creation. He saw that this type of content creation could actually help his community of affiliate marketers. He brought both communities together to create something better. Even if he didn't create his community, the fact of transfering knowledge between communities is already innovation. This type of innovation is within the possibilities of everyone among us.

We can all be innovators. We simply have to go outside of our confort zone and discover new things, new communities, new projects. With a bit of creativity, we can combine different skills together and create something new and better.


A project run by @achim03


@happyvoter if their is no innovation life will became very bored this new innovation create life more perfect and valuable.

There has been innovation from the first day humans started to make tools out of bones, wood and stone. Since then we haven't stopped and it is true that we have become used to constant innovation. Thanks a lot for your comment!

Resteemed already. Upvote on the way :)

Thanks a lot for the resteem and the upvote!

That's great innovation. I just wonder cryptocurrency specifically bitcoin is innovation but many economists reject this innovation?

When I wrote this post I tried to search the signification of "innovation" and there are many out there. For Bitcoin is definitely one of the major innovations of our century. Thanks a lot for your comment!

Hello dear @happyvoter, great article.

Sometimes we get comfortable in what we do and if this is working for us we stagnate and do not seek to improve what we do, that is why their advice is very relevant and will surely put positive thinking in some minds.

Thanks friend!

Hi @fucho80,

Thanks a lot for stopping by and for your kind comment!

 5 years ago 

Dear @happyvoter

I've bookmarked your page few days ago and finally I managed to catch up with reading. Thanks for posting again within PH. Solid read.

Indeed word "innovation" is being used very often. I didn't pay attention. Interesting ...

Many think that innovation automatically means inventing new products or services.

Would you consider what we do together in Project Hope as a sort of social innovation? I never seen communities like those few, which are leading on steem and hive. Just curious, whats your opinion.

Have a great weekend ahead,
Yours, Piotr

Would you consider what we do together in Project Hope as a sort of social innovation? I never seen communities like those few, which are leading on steem and hive. Just curious, whats your opinion.

Absolutely. There have also been communities but I believe that with project.hope we are doing something new. Not only do we create content, we help each other to create value in a context of win for everybody. The more the project grows, the more everybody profits and we should continue to continue to innovate. Try new ideas, develop them and find a way to make a difference...

Thanks a lot for your great work with project.hope! It's a great place to be and I'm looking forward to what we can innovate together ;-)

Have a nice weekend!

Best regards,

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