Resisting the urge to overspend.
You will agree with me that when a man has more money, there is an urge to spend even more, in our justification we believe there is no need to make more money if we are not going to spend it eventually. When I use the term men, of course, women are also not left out, we are all in the same boat(smiles).
I am one of those people who love to live a good life, so this isn't about making so much money and consistently punishing yourself without living a good life, this is about curbing the act of spending too much.
The thing is, you do not even have to be so wealthy before you overspend, the habit of overspending begins from the days of not even having enough to take care of yourself. These days, it is easy to overspend as we can get everything from the comfort of our sitting room on our smartphones. The ability to pursue what feels good in combination with the convenience available to get them, is a great recipe for overspending.
If you want to stop overspending, it is not something that will stop in a day, it will require an intentional constant act. These little acts will help make it possible;
Shop with intentions: Walking into a grocery store without an intentional list is a trap to spend all you have, set aside a day to shop for essentials ensuring you are purchasing only the essentials you need without going overboard with spending.
Skill up and save money: Learning how to prepare your meal is not a bad thing, it will save you from eating out and spending a lot of money doing so, there are several YouTube video tutorials with detailed instructions on how to cook, you can learn well and save yourself from eating in expensive restaurants and spending a lot of money.
It may be impossible never to eat out, but instead of making it a regular or everyday thing, you could make it a once-in-a-week thing, this will even help you look forward to it more.
Stop solving problems with purchases: When there is a problem, learn to solve it with a real solution rather than getting into impulse buying to make yourself feel better. Impulse purchase whenever you feel sad or annoyed is not a nice idea and if you must control your spending habits, then you need to start with that first.
Reduce social media time: Spending excessive time on social media will make us see more things to buy and it may be very difficult to resist the urge, limiting the time spent on social media altogether will help reduce the urge to spend excessively.
There are times when the urge for unnecessary expenses will come up, but it is better to resist it at the onset.
Thanks for the tips on how to resist overspending.
Have a blessed day buddy
Thanks for your time buddy, we need to help ourselves not to overspend.
Thanks for the tips, there will always be an urge to overspend especially when we make a few extra bucks, but we need to be smart enough to resist the temptation.
Appreciate your time.