Imagination has a very strong power over our lives and almost everything that we have to our good in the world today came from the thoughts and imagination of somebody else. Our imagination has a very strong power but we are often quick to discard them especially when our group of small minded friends tell us how unachievable it is.
Wonderful things come to mind every day and you just see it as a very big revelation coming through, you see it as something that you need to work on almost immediately because you are sure it isn’t what you should put away at all but once you get up from that position of thought and you decide to share it with those in your circle, they begin to make you see reasons why those dreams are too big and unrealistic, they make you see reasons why you need to choose a little different part act least something that has to do with what majority of people are doing and nothing more.
Albert Einstein said imagination is everything, it is the preview to life’s coming attractions.
Those who discourage our dreams and imaginations should not be completely blamed or condemned because it isn’t their fault completely. When you have a great dream or imagination, it is very possible that no one else will share that dream of yours with you it is only you who will be able to view it and when you do, the human nature will definitely consider your shortcomings once you share the information with them. They make you see reasons why it is impossible to get that dream achieved and drag you back to your limitation.
Again, you must remember that you are the one with the dream and vision, you must consider going back to that drawing board over and over again and then look beyond the limitation that the average mind would want to make you see.
You need to bear in mind that even if you are giving out the best, there are people who will always find a fault with what you are doing. They will always see something wrong in it and then try to discourage you, but do not forget again that you are the one with the dream, vision and imagination so do not get pushed to giving up on those good dreams of yours.
Nelson Mandela said there is no passion to be found playing small and settling for a life that’s less than the one you are capable of living.
Now the fact that you believe so much in your dreams and aspirations does not mean you are not going to fail, sometimes when you are taking a new attempt at something you might probably fail at, however that is not enough reason for you to turn backwards and quit trying. Keep giving in everything you have, either it is little or much just continue to push and give in your best.
Imagination and visualisation is the most effective and dream fullfill manifestation. If you imagine and visualisation in mediation the whole cosmic energy try to fulfill your dreams.