CoronaVirus consequences: IS WINTER OF THE CENTURY AHEAD OF US?steemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE5 years ago




The amount of data related to the recent corona-virus outbreak; news, fake news and gossips that we've all been bombarded with has surely been overwhelming. And it seems that many people I discussed this topic with, are just simply tired and sometimes bored with this issue.

It also seems that this topic has been covered by almost every possible angle. I've seen discussions about the direct consequences of being infected or being in quarantine. Discussions about the impact on the world economy, manufacturing and supply chain, oil consumption etc.

However, today I would like to look at the entire crisis from a different point of view. And hopefully, some of you can help me out and find some answers.



Within the past year, I've listened to many youtubers and talked to a number of educated people about the impact of pollution on global warming and climate change. I've learned to believe that different parties have different agendas and different beliefs. And till now I'm not sure if we (humans) even have a real impact on the world's climate - or are we just a little extra "addition" to changes which are taking place anyway.

Right now, I would like to make an assumption (however true or not) that pollution created by our activity around the world is indeed impacting world climate and all that CO2 produced across the globe is actually bringing the temperature up (at least in some areas).

Now - what could possibly happen if pollution would be greatly reduced? For a very long China has been the number ONE country contributing to polluting the environment till today. So, let's say that for 3-6 months most factories in China (and across the globe) would stop working. Transportation would also reduce greatly.

It's quite obvious to me, that this would have a great impact. However, until today I didn't see anyone talking about it yet.



Last year/this year winter seemed to be one of the warmest ever. I remember playing with snow when I was just a boy - building snowman and igloos. Right now winter is finishing and I yet didn't see snow - it wasn't snowing here even for a minute during past months. Things definitely changed. And that change is associated (by many) strictly to the increasing rise of pollution, which is apparently bringing the temperature up everywhere across the globe.

I found it hard to imagine, that this would continue. Could anyone share with me your knowledge/opinion on how much the current situation (greatly reduced produced pollution) can impact the global climate?

Are we heading towards the winter of the century?



I read all comments. So please do not hesitate to share your view.

*Yours, Piotr *


We have polluted the earth over the past hundred years (we should be worried), nature holds the balance in doing 'ice ages' or extreme heat in cycles, perhaps this is a bit of both!

Corona virus I personally feel is being blown out of all proportion (other viruses have killed many more people including flu and common cold). Hope there is no hidden agenda behind this from economic viewpoint.

Between the two with added 5G implementation around the world going up in haste, very few listening to warnings from people in the know. Very skeptical seeing the governments, people in charge hand in hand with blatant greed.

Hope I'm wrong, between the devil and the deep blue sea!

@tipu curate

Hi @joanstewart

Thank you for your comment. Appreciate.

I've learned that some people think this issue is blown out of proportion. I believe that media and goverments has been doing everything they can to make it all look smaller. Time will tell.

One thing that is already clear is the fact, that almost entire china is being put on hold. Already few weeks with almost no pollution (and it has been one of the largest contributor in entire global polution). And it may continue much longer. So some consequences surely are to be expected and I wonder what will be the impact on global climate.

other viruses have killed many more people including flu and common cold

One difference is , that there is no other viruses that cannot be detected until it's already way to late. Just few weeks ago people were saying that noone should worry, because SARS killed more than coronavirus. Now we're still comparing it to flu or common cold. Within one month from now we can witness 2 scenarios:

a) problem somehow has been solved
b) amount of infected and carriers within europe alone will exceed what we're already seeing in China.

Either way - economic collapse is on our way. And climate may chance as well. That's at least how I see it. Perhaps I'm taking it seriously because I lived in Asia for 11 years, so I've been following this issue right from the start.

ps. thanks for tipu :)


Movement of people has escalated over the last 30 years, keeping a virus restricted to any one region today is impossible.

Wash hands continuously is best advice being given, avoid crowds where possible, keep basic hygiene first and foremost, teach the children!

I literally wrote about the same thing in my post today. I think we are going into a massive correction, bear market, recession as the credit crunch comes dude. We could always print our way out of situations until now but a resource scarcity is not something you can throw money at and win long term.

Travel and logistics will be hit hard, consumer spending will follow once shortages occur since we live in a Just in Time economy and as these avenues begin to dry up we will see the velocity of capital slow down even further. This will start to hit the banks and we will see a knock-on effect.

 5 years ago 

Dear @chekohler

Thanks for dropping by and sharing link to your own publication on this particular issue. Will check it out right away.

I've read your comment and I'm not sure if you noticed, that I'm focusing on impact of current situation on climat change. Not on economy.

Anyway, I fully agree that credit crunch can be very painful for many and I'm wondering if all those newly printed fiat currencies can help to ease that pain.

We could always print our way out of situations until now but a resource scarcity is not something you can throw money at and win long term.

You've nailed it. Pumping more resources won't help to solve that problem. Supply chain is being disturbed and it may take another decade to fix once it will be completely torn apart.

Perhaps the only good think coming out from printing money is the fact, that it will make it easier for some to pay off their debts. However it raises a questions how those newly printed FIAt will be redistributed and who will benefit and who will suffer the most.

Surely inflation will follow. So all "small people" will suffer greately.

ps. I've noticed that your topics are quite often aligned with topics published within project.hope community. Perhaps you could consider posting within our hive in the future.

Also is there any way to DM you?

Have a pleasant monday,
Yours, Piotr

Well. When it becomes more cold again next winter, the coronavirus is likely to go crazy and cause epidemic (spellcheck), thats what I heard X)

 5 years ago 

I wonder why would that happen @cwow2

Coronavirus proved already that it doesnt care much about temperatures. I've heard many people saying that it will be gone once summer will arrive. And the same people usually do not even know that it's already present in countries like thailand, malaysia, singapore where it's very warm. And it's present in sweeden, norway etc - where it's super cold.

Yours, Piotr

I think the idea is that the colder it is, the weaker your immune system is.
I live in Denmark, next to Sweden, but its not that cold anymore

 5 years ago 

I'm guessing 'cold' means two different things for both of us :)

I used to live in south-east asia so right now staying in Poland seem to be very cold already :P So I consider sweeden freezing.

ps. isn't denmark very south of sweeden? I can imagine that weather in central and north of sweeden must be very different.

Thx for being so responsive, I appreciate it
Yours, Piotr

Properly different ideas of cold :p
Didn't Poland get snow this year?

Bo snow in Denmark (yet) and yes Denmark is south of Sweden, it takes no time from Copenhagen to Malmö :D

Malmö and Copenhagens wheather is not far from eachother, but yes North of Sweden is totally different :D

You are welcome

The amount of fake news by some medias and lies by some government officials make me get bored of hearing or listening to anything concern Covid19. We don't even know who or which to believe anymore.

Posted using Partiko Android

Well i relatively don't know much about man's influence on the climate but well from what I've seen and read it seems man's activities when not checked might relatively have a negative influence on mother earth. Nevertheless like you said no one's talking about what will happens if activities cease. There'll be economic problems that I definitely know of. It's a really dicey issues to talk or address

If climate change has a human cause, then the impact of the shutdown of industrial activity will take more than year to come out... if not decades... and that is only if!

Not sure about that big impact so we will expect big winter as we remember from the past, but at least some "positives" will this bring. And I am sure it already is a big thing, just check what industries stopped or paused the production including traveling etc. I hope for a snow man every year :)

My guess is that we are headed towards a period of reduced global economic activity from a variety of reasons. This could rapidly increase the average temperature .5 to 1 degree C from the reduced pollution and aerosol masking effect. Pollution has a lot of effects and cleaning up the air might eventually increase plant and plankton growth perhaps locking up more CO2 and stabilizing the temperature, I don't know - just my personal thought there. Things are changing very rapidly with polar ice melt and methane release also causing changes. !trdo

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Claimed Summer Can Kill Corona Virus

Corona virus (2019-nCoV) is predicted to disappear by summer. The spread of the corona virus is thought to be related to climatic conditions in the world, whether that's true?.
The School of Medicine (Yong Loo Lin National University of Singapore) has researched this (CoVirus).
"Corona virus can disappear along with rising temperatures in China by summer."

This assumption stems from the theory that outbreaks of disease (2019-nCoV) have seasonal patterns of influenza disease and SARS. By summer, cases of this type of disease are decreasing.
In countries with moderate climate such as China and the United States, the flu season usually starts in December with a peak in January or February. After February, flu cases were recorded to decrease. How about the temperature of your country's climate, the same as the temperature in their country (China).

 5 years ago 

Dearest Piotr:

You have approached a different approach to this situation so serious that humanity is living.
You are very right!

As we know, China is the country with the greatest overpopulation on the planet. Its main source of energy is based on thermoelectric generation, which consists of burning large amounts of hydrocarbons that throw tons of pollution into the atmosphere.
In addition to this, the production of CO2 from the car fleet reaches absurd levels.

With the Coronavirus epidemic, Chinese citizens have had to complete a massive quarantine which has transformed their streets into ghost towns. This has had a direct impact on pollution levels, which have decreased drastically.

The satellite images speak for themselves.

Images from NASA

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