Formal duties and tax obligations to be complied with by taxpayers, taxpayers and third parties
Have you ever wondered what is behind the non-compliance of formal duties? Formal duties constitute obligations that must be complied with by taxpayers, responsible parties and third parties; according to the provisions established in the Special Laws and Regulations, or any other governing instrument of the taxation of the states, since it contains the formal duties in a general manner that must be complied with by the taxpayers. Likewise, it establishes the penalties to be applied in case of noncompliance.

Therefore, increasing the level of compliance with formal duties implies short, medium and long term efforts in the processes that should be part of the strategic objectives of the administrations and, at the same time, of the initiatives, projects and plans of the organization. This implies aligning strategies in order to achieve a reduction of the gap between the optimal and the actual level of compliance. It means that all efforts are oriented to improve the level of compliance through an effective internal control process.
In this context, from a theoretical point of view, this research is of great relevance because it exposes and analyzes theories of various authors who coincidentally raise the importance of internal control for compliance with formal duties in the area of value added taxes. In this sense, it is hoped that the information contained herein will become a contribution to the field of knowledge. Hence, with the support of the theories and conceptual references compiled, the theoretical relevance of this study is confirmed, which may be useful to other researchers for the formation of a concrete criterion on the issue raised.
Likewise, the practical contribution is reflected in the development of its conclusions and recommendations, which provided reliable data to try to find a solution to the problems presented by the company under study regarding internal control and compliance with formal duties, by providing results that will serve as a frame of reference for the achievement of the planned objectives.

In the same way, the research was methodologically justified, since its results were obtained by using data collection techniques and instruments to measure the variables, using the survey and the questionnaire as an instrument; supported by a descriptive research, with a field design.