I like to think of myself as a flexible person. Sometimes it is easy to adapt to changes, but other times it feels messy and not as easy. Tomorrow I will go on a travel and I suddenly got to know that we cannot stay where we were supposed to stay. That isn't a big problem, but since we were supposed to live with friends (for free), I suddenly have to count on something that will be much more expensive, and that isn't as nice.
But, that is life and I guess we should be happy for the chance to travel at all. Maybe it means that I will spend some money that I didn't plan on spending right now, but once again, that is life and sometimes things like this happen.
That is also why it is important to keep money ready for such unexpected costs because they always show up. Maybe something happens to your car which will give you an unexpected cost, or maybe trouble with the place you live? Or what if something is broken that needs to be changed or school costs that you suddenly have to pay?
It is important to be ready for such expenses because they always show up.
That is why it is important to not relax and sit back and think that you don't have to work. In the middle of the night, unexpectedly, poverty can come in many ways. Don't lean back on your laurels, but work hard and be productive!
Besides that, have a wonderful day!