well-written post.
Are you a blogger/author? If yes, can you please mention this on your profile? Then you will get more attention from the community.
well-written post.
Are you a blogger/author? If yes, can you please mention this on your profile? Then you will get more attention from the community.
sorry, my reply to you somehow got fitted into my response to misterakpan below - I'm a total noob, will attempt to learn fast :)
No problem.
I suggest to write something about yourself so people can feel some sort of connection. For example, you can say that you love blogging, travel, cooking etc.
One more thing, please always remember to reference the sources of your images that aren't original. It helps with the credibility of your posts.
the images were created by me from freely available online elements to illustrate this piece - I will indeed reference if ever relevant, I agree it is important. Db
I thought so. Love the images btw :)
hi, not a blogger or author, but who knows... thanks for the vote and compliment.