Why I am CONFIDENT that FACEBOOK will FAIL HARD over the next years - The Reality of autonomous censorship will work to our advantage!


As an adult, I have always hated hand holding and automatic censorship. When you no longer can post about "what is on your mind", then you know it is time to put in second and third gear and drive the hell away from there as quick as possible.

Also, when I am with my friends on facebook - none of us has ever asked for moderation, to have someone sitting in our conversations dictating what we should and should not talk about.

This is what real censorship looks like, and on the INTERNET, this is the exact behaviour that turn people away. Thank you Mark Sucker Berg for making it so very easy for us to succeed with STEEM & GOLOS as your dying facebook is losing relevance in the new world.


As an artist whos wasted almost 1.5 years building my business page with almost 1100 followers Its really disappointing posting my work and having the shitty algorithms hid my artwork and it get seen by maybe 10% of my followers..

I'm so glad I found steemit last month

Those algorithms have made Facebook very boring for me. I spend little time there nowadays. I truly believe it will die away, because all my Facebook friends are getting bored with FB and with each other. We post pics of family, food, and vacations; we make inane comments; we pass around memes and alerts about lost children and homeless pets. It's getting annoying and tiresome. I wanted to find creative content, interesting people, and meaningful ideas. But Facebook wanted to shape my opinions. So Steemit wins.

I am prowode of my steemit thanks for everyone.

Yes the algorithm is mostly pay for your add thing. As an artist I fell you man!

i joined steemit.com in november 2016 . There is no comparison between shitty fb and steemit. Steemit is the love .
Its a great man .liked your work
@frlyrstikken ☺☺😂😂

incredible!! lol you cpied my comment!! hahahaha wow

The auto censorship annoys me as well although I see the death of facebook coming earlier due to the outdated user interface and the fact that it isn't what's cool anymore. Instagram does the BS censorship as well. Even YouTube, what was once a free platform is doing it

oh man when I joined steemit.com I was so relieved and angry at the same time...can't believe 10 years in the gutter with fb while they sucked me off in money, time and even mental health...the last 5 years I started to unlike it...oh you wanna hear why they did not implement the "unlike" button....hahahaha...remember that hype...they would be the first ones to be unliked, that's why...they don't understand how Life runs...when Sucker big burger refused to sell out to the big boys I thought he was up to something good or at least we would see a change...but then I don't blame it on him, I think he tried to give "free" money, remember that?..."they" shut him off quick...I think now he doesn't care even if it goes to the gutter I mean you will need sometimes to move 3 billions users into something new.
"los casos son dos" meaning the cases can only be 2:

  • he is an idiot
  • he is an idiot

It's not only facebook, I had a blog about cryptocurrency excluded by google.

That's awful! Google's censorship is truly tyrannical.

"Elephant coin is almost all the way at the bottom, because it's so heavy"

OK, today I got censored on steemspeak for explaining why taxation is theft and then kicked out, will you tell me if it was you who did this and/or if this place is only for statists and not anarchists/anarcho capitalists?

True, the current authority of censorship will play a big role of collapse of Facebook and other such controlled media..

steemit is getting better day by day

Marksukerbergs tieing up with litecoin.
Any true?

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