All about Kyogre (what I've seen so far!)
Kyogre is the current legendary pokemon available in Pokemon Go. It is considered as the strongest water type pokemon, with Max CP exceeding 4,000 (around 4,074 so far). So it kinda overtake Gyarados from that position. It's current movesets include Waterfall as a fast attack and could have Hydro Pump, Blizzard and Thunder as its charge moveset. As a water type pokemon, it would be weak against grass and electric. However, with the movesets of Blizzard, grass pokemons might be having trouble defeating it.
So this is Kyogre. So eventually I might change the moveset for this one to Blizzard if Rayquaza comes out. Otherwise, hydro pump would be preferred as a charge move. Kyogre's moveset is also ironic. Kyogre is weak with Electric, but it can also produce thunder. It's like Lanturn. So it's like its weakness may become its strength and vice versa.
Its number 382 in the Pokedex, and next is Groudon, its arch enemy. So Kyogre rules the seas while Groudon rules the continent. If we simply look at it, Kyogre would have an advantage over Groudon as Water destroys ground. Groudon, however, have solar beam so it may do great damage to Kyogre, thus making it a little complicated.
When we raid in the gyms, we have to defeat it with its 52K CP. We were able to defeat it with 6 accounts so far, but generally 7 or 8 is desirable, especially that electric and grass monsters are kinda weak. I've seen though a video showing 3 accounts defeating it using grass monsters. We'll, they were all level 40 and the moveset was Hydropump so that would have been a factor. I still prefer using Electric monsters but they are not that strong yet so I will have to use the other grass monsters. So far my top counters are Raikou, Zapdos, Jolteon and Exeggutor. It's sad though for Jolteon because one hydro pump attack hit from Kyogre and all HP is wiped out. hehe
So this is Kyogre looking outside the Gym. The first one looks bigger because of the recent update - scaling it, occupying almost the entire the gym. The second one was how it looked before the update, a little smaller.
This is Kyogre when we try to catch it. The question mark would mean that the user's maximum CP monster have lesser CP compared to this potential Kyogre. Catching is was quite difficult. Before the update, it is so far.
This is Kyogre with a perfect IV, plus boosted, thus the CP is 2910. Ordinarily, a perfect IV Kyogre would have 2328. We can potentially get this if the weather is rainy. So it is quite crucial that the weather is rainy when we defeat it so that it will be boosted. Boosted monsters are preferable because they save us stardusts and candies to power up. There was even a time when we were raiding Kyogre and it was initially rainy. We were about to defeat it when suddenly one of our teammates notice that his fighting moveset was boosted by the weather. Waaahhh!!!! So it suddenly became cloudy, losing our chance for it to be boosted. O well, better luck next time.
Because of the difficulty of catching Kyogre, perfect IV ones even escaped. Sigh! These are screenshots from my colleagues. He was really furious when it escaped. He did all the excellent and great balls, no air balls, but still, it escaped. It's really not a guarantee if you throw excellent throws. The internet connection will also play a great role... and lots of luck.
So because of its difficulty, I still have 3 Kyogres caught. Hahaha. Not to worry since Kyogre will still be here until the 14th of February so I still have time to increase the numbers of my Kyogre. Hopefully I can catch a 100% boosted Kyogre hehe. Currently, the highest IV that I have is at 91. If I won't be able to catch a higher IV than 91, then this will be my chosen Kyogre Pokemon for power up. It's still okay, it is still 90+, plus legendary, plus being the strongest water type pokemon, so we are still good.