How do I tell the miseries in this hood?
Who really is a strong man?
He that lends a slap at a twinkle?
Or he that is longsuffering?
Why thinks't me a weakling because I'm called a woman?
I am just a bone because divinity designed me so
I am greater than a bone because virtues lies in me
Never think me a coward because I cower in humility
Never hit me because I was meant to be seen not heard
I have a voice, I am a woman
Kill me with love not with folly
For the greatest folly lies in the heads of men who think themselves powerful with muscles
If it were the other way, a woman too would be a man
Sow thy testimony of manhood in my heart
That I may think thee with honour not horror
Think me a damsel not a slave.
For the love of womanhood.