What is Pirate World?
I've been asked by many, many a prospective pirate (and of course the British navy spies -- I see through y'er fake mustaches and pointy hats ye dogs) what Pirate World actually is.
Matey, Pirate World, two years in the making, is the newest and biggest and most popular Steemit Community on the High Seas. If y'er a (or if y've yearned to live the life of a) pirate, buccaneer, swashbuckler, privateer, free sailor, or just enjoy wenches and mead, Pirate World be the place for ye.
Join us for all discussion of topics important to pirates, like booty for instance. Or whatever else, we're pirates! Pirates are free.
KEEP Y'ER EYES OUT FER MORE TO COME! (This is easy to do if ye have an eyepatch)
We've planned features galore to be excited about. Now I'm not goin' to release all the features at once, because where be the fun in that? As of now, since the community feature is so new, we still be getting set up. Creating a whole world takes some time, ye know?
The Salty Tavern
Coming soon:
Bigger and better things.
More things.
Virtual reality Oculus rift augmented reality support
So hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail in Pirate World me 'earty! [Quick link fer those of ye with hooks fer hands: https://beta.steemit.com/trending/hive-197918]
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Join Pirate World, matey!