The Banyan Leaves.
Galaxy M20
The Banyan Leaves
These leaves are the leaves of the banyan tree. The leaves of this banyan tree look like quadrupeds. The leaves are oily and evergreen. Banyan trees are very large, thick and live for many years. The banyan tree holds a lot of leaves and in summer this banyan tree provides cool coolness under its leaves. These large leaves have round red branches in the middle. However, when the leaves and twigs of this banyan tree are broken, a white gum like milk comes out from it, which is harmful to the eyes. The last day I entered the village, I was resting in the shade of the leaves of this banyan tree in the hot sun at noon, and I liked the shape of these leaves, so I captured the leaves of these hanging branches on camera.
You know these leaves look like the ones we put in jollofrice to give it sweet aroma, i think... Is it?
Yes. Something like that.