Tao of Lao Tzu - 1.
'' I reach the Integral Way of uniting with the great and mysterious Tao. My teachings are simple; if you try to make a religion or science of them, they will elude you. Profound yet plain, they contain the entire truth of the universe. Those who wish to know the whole truth take joy in doing the work and service that comes to them. Having completed it, they take joy in cleansing and feeding themselves. Having cared for others and for themselves, they then turn to the master for instruction. This simple path leads to peace, virtue, and abundance.''
- Lao Tzu, Hua Hu Ching, v.1
Taoism is so pure! I read and listen to a lot of Alan Watts and he is always referring to Tao teachings.
"In madness lies sanity" - classic Tao! haha
Can you recommend any books or audio that you use yourself?
I would recommend as the essence of Taoism the above book of Lao Tzu ( Hua Hu Ching), also 'Zhuangzi' and 'Lost writings of Wu Hsin'- as for latter-great work in my opinion.
As for audio, rather musical compositions than audiobooks, something like:
I guess it may be composed by one of the 'Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove' but not sure, you'll have to research into it.