Turning womanhood into a costume.
I actually think that Nate is being too kind to the LGBTQ+ representatives here.
I rarely watch Dr. Phil; but, I found myself watching this one.
It's true, the dude with a beard who is wearing high heels said, "Trans women are women." which takes the creativity of a wet blanket these days; and, when asked to define what a woman is, he (yes, I'm misgendering) said that it wasn't for him to define because he doesn't identify as a woman.
Well, then your whole philosophy is bullshit.
I don't identify as a pencil; but, I can tell you what it is. I can suggest that you give your partner a San Diego Thank You (I wouldn't); but, if I can't tell you what that is, the suggestion is useless.
They really are trying to turn womanhood into a costume.