PewDiePie introduce the Mainstream Masses to Blockchain/Crypto Space...
Joining dlive 50,000 followers in 1 day...
Most people on Steem don't like that dlive left, which I also agree with it would have been nicer if they would have stayed. I don't see this space as competitive all services that push towards more freedom and liberation will in the long run be better for all. Even though the current systems like what dlive is using right now is not ideal as it's not even on an exchange... Looks centralized... Uses PayPal to buy "Coins"... Soon the mainstream will be ready for something like Steem Blockchain instead...
But something that Steem can learn is more about marketing and branding. As it really can push something to the mainstream. Even though it may be better to slow-play it to see how this whole ecosystem plays out. As it's a marathon not a sprint. Most chains are so early it's 1996 Internet. I don't think Steem has to rush as the Tech speaks for itself. Eventually people will find the ultimate services that they love the most.
You can say Steem Blockchain in terms of Tech is too advanced for most people to understand right now. It's too much to take in and it takes a bit of a learning curve. So the mainstream will get fed the basic stuff... BTC... ETH... Lino/Dlive... Something that is easy to feed. McDonalds/Coca-Cola chains... In the long run I think they eventually will find the better Tech stuff.
But it's very nice of PewDiePie to have willingness to look at this new ecosystem. It will push hopefully millions into a more free space. Or at least make people wonder about the centralized services if it's really something ideal. Happy to see it seems as people finally are starting to think for themselves and go for more freedom and liberation. Truth can come in layers. People moving towards more freedom is a good sign. As when people have access to Tokens they can eventually freely move around in this space.