A Good Way to Start Off a Friday - Paramotor Flying
This morning was a great chance with low winds to go do some flying on my paramotor. No better way than to start the day with a flight. Here are some pictures from my area, up in the sky.
Following some dead end roads to oil leases.
Ponds are full everywhere, from major rain, which is also making everything so green.
Local sod farm, they were out stripping sod, cool to watch.
All the rain has the rivers flowing turbulent and brown.
New lakes appearing.. This isn't usually here. haha
Shoot the gap between the trees. Good times.
Back over to another river, I love this area, you can probably see why!
The local tree farm. Such a cool piece of land.
A growing over old dirt bike track.
Heading back for my landing zone.
There's my local runway, and truck down below.
Pack up and go home for breakfast. It's only 3 minutes up the road luckily. I didn't want to wake anyone up with my noisy flying machine, so came down here.
I hope you liked the pictures, another great adventure on my paramotor.