Covid19 Diary - A European Tour

in Pandemic Forum5 years ago (edited)

Self Isolation Day 16



March 18th 2020

Britain is not an island. Ok, technically it is. Britain also does not exist apart from the rest of Europe. Ok, technically we are leaving the EU. The point though is that this pandemic is global, and that the UKs European neighbours are in the same boat as the UK. Especially given that the EU has now closed its borders. Although each European country has their own unique characteristics.

What's great about Steemit is that we are an international platform. So today I thought I would extend my gaze beyond the myopic British Isles and look at some of the other European countries, well, at least the ones I have visited and are somewhat familiar with. Apologies if your country is not featured. I look forward in the future to visiting more.

Despite years of austerity and the European Central Bank (ECB) holding interest rates in negative territory, nothing has been solved. European countries have instead amassed massive debt to GDP making them ill equipped to fight this crisis. We are staring into the face of not a coming recession, but a coming depression. This will be attended by mass unemployment and a sharp deterioration of working conditions as the people of Europe will be expected to pay for all the promised bail outs. The British people may not be the only ones who want out. All of this coming at a time when the US has been putting itself first and alienating a major ally - Europe.

Already the EU is straining at the seams as richer countries formed the Hanseatic League in 2018, whilst poorer countries have been looking to China. Reportedly many Italian ports are now in Chinese ownership. Meanwhile, others like Hungary and Poland have defied the EU over the admission of refugees. There's talk of a Polexit. Currently under German leadership the European Commission is pushing for an EU Carbon border tax. This will have the effect of shoring up German industry and making it near impossible for other countries to make unilateral deals with either the EU or China.


Greece was hit severely following the 2008 crisis. Years of savage cuts have left the country with little reserves to call on to deal with a crisis of this magnitude. As of yesterday official Covid19 cases stood at 352. On Monday they announced a 14 day isolation for foreigners and a closure of retail stores from today. A major concern is the refugee camps centred on 5 Greek islands. Doctors Without Borders (msf) are warning that severe overcrowding and lack of sanitation are the perfect breeding ground for such a contagion. Over 42,000 people are in these camps with 1 water tap for every 1,300 people and no soap. So far no cases have been reported, but then neither have any containment measures been put into place either.

Gemma Bird


There can be no doubt Italy is at Europe's epicentre of this pandemic. Latest figures I have are 31,506 cases and over 2,500 deaths. Italy is in complete lock down, except where they have expected industrial workers to go to work. Unreported in the news is the number of strikes their have been by workers who feel they have been sacrificed. Italian doctors have been warning other European countries to pay close attention to their experience as they have been totally and utterly overwhelmed. Despite being told repeatedly by the media that only old people get it, Drs are telling stories of young people too. Also about the decisions they are having to make about who lives and who dies. It has been compared to war time triage. Economically very important to Europe, nonetheless the Italian economy had underlying health conditions. A looked to EU bailout has not been forthcoming. However, a team of 12 medical experts are on their way - from China. They arrive with ICU equipment including dozens of incubators, monitors and 60,000 testing reagents. This is in addition to the 35.4 tonnes of medical supplies and drugs. To make matters better (or worse!) Bono has written a song to be sung across the rooftops.

Tiziana Fabi


The French government has already been shaken by the emergence in recent years of the gilets jaune movement, who I believe have still been out protesting in defiance of a lock down of Paris. It's possible the movement may emerge out of this crisis stronger and perhaps with more clarity about their demands and the way forward for French society. Latest Covid19 cases stand at 7773 and a 175 deaths. On Monday France became the third European nation to go into lockdown. France is the most visited country in the world and travel and tourism provides about 250 billion euros and that is going to have a massive effect on GDP. A French health official has said cases are doubling every three days and soon threatens to overwhelm hospitals. Police have been drafted to catch and fine those disobeying the lockdown.

Reuters/Christian Hartmann


From a late start Spain has leaped over France and Germany in the Covid19 league table. With 13,761 cases and 598 deaths to became the second European country to enter lockdown. Forcing airplanes to make U-turns in the air and return passengers to their destinations. Reportedly Spain's figures are on a worryingly three day delay. Like France fines will be applied for being out and about without a good reason. Having a dog is a good reason, so is going for a haircut. In Spain small companies form the backbone of the economy accounting for 70% of jobs and over 50% of GDP. Job losses will exasperate the already serious housing crisis that has been developing in Spain. Already before this crisis Spanish pensioners were up in arms. As in Italy, unreported in the news, thousands of Spanish workers have stopped production to protest unsafe working conditions. This includes Amazon workers, Mercedes and IVECO. It's a far cry from the tabloid photos showing people milling around their hotels in Tenerife. Meanwhile, once again stepping into the vacuum half a million medical masks arrive in Spain - from China. Announced all hotels are to close.



A small country with a high density population has pretty high figures at 2051 cases and 58 dead. A nation set to host this year's Eurovision, a perennial symbol of our partisanship, an event that will most likely be cancelled. A country where only last October a family were found hiding in the basement waiting for the end days. Did they know something we don't know? A country whose PM has the same outlook as UK's BoJo. On Monday he vowed not to impose a lockdown, and that he wanted to build up immunity. The focus was on ensuring businesses don't go bankrupt. He did announce the closure of schools and leisure facilities, which being the Netherlands includes brothels until April 6. Will they open again? A Dutch sex worker has set up a crowd funding page as prostitutes face the need to go to charities. Meanwhile long lines were to be found at marijuana cafes forcing the government to make a U-turn and allow them to partially open again.

Aitor Vitani


Bordering France, Germany and the Netherlands it would be a minor miracle if Belgium didn't have a serious outbreak on its hands before too long. Belgium has reported 1085 cases and 10 deaths and it too has closed schools, leisure facilities and non-essential shops. Today it is confining its citizens, unless social distancing can be promised at work. The capital Brussels is the home not only of the European Parliament but also NATO, so lots of important people to protect. They are very keen to prevent a lock down. Even the King has been wheeled out to encourage citizens comply with their government, so basically they don't have to make them.

Laura Dekkers


Croatia only joined the EU in 2013 and has been moving towards joining the Euro. It currently presides over the Council of the European Union, where in February EU members agreed to coordinate their response. The government procured some more ventilation devices and held training courses for health care workers. It stopped short of preventing tourists. Following the highly successful Game of Thrones tourists have been flocking to Dubrovnik. The service industry accounts for over 65% of employment. In 2018 the tourism industry accounted for 17% of GDP. Unemployment is at 7.7%, a sharp fall from over 17% just 5 years ago - that Game of Thrones factor? Though it is still among the highest unemployment rate of any EU country. Although many countries have migrant workers abroad. The World Bank estimates that 19.4% of the population live below the national poverty line. Croatia are currently reporting 81 cases and no deaths. Meanwhile, there is significant evidence this is spreading in the Balkans as neighbours Montenegro has closed its borders and Bosnia-Herzegovina has declared a state of national emergency. Neighbouring Hungary has been forced to relax its border closure due to the thousands of migrant workers, mainly from Italy and Spain trying to reach Romania.



The powerhouse and heart of the EU is Germany. They dominate it and are impelled therefore to save it at all costs. Although Germany is 80 million strong and has a GDP worth 4040 billion US dollars, it is small compared to China and the US. Also it has no military. The EU gives Germany more clout on the world stage than on its own. Germany is an export led country, but it will find like China, times are hard when there's no-one left to export to. Cases reported 10120 and dead 27. A remarkably low figure. One reason for this could be that whilst Italy has 12.5 ICU beds per 100,000 people, Germany had 29.2. Indeed its second only in the world to the US. Another reason could be, as Dr Wieler has said,

From the beginning, we have very systematically called upon our doctors to test people.
testing to a high degree so that we can easily look into the beginnings of the epidemic.

It should also be noted that on the 14th March the EU introduced controls on the export of personal protective equipment. This follows Germany who adopted an export ban in early March. Germany is going into lockdown with Angela Merkel due to address the nation tonight. ING comment that a recession in Germany looks "inevitable". Meanwhile, German Minister of Economic Affairs, Peter Altmaier, promised that no single job would be lost due to Covid-19

Credit Youtube

Well, that's all the European countries I've had the pleasure to visit. Each have had varying degrees of response and there will be varying outcomes too. As so many countries are weighed down by high debt to GDP this crisis is going to hit pocket books in an unaffordable way. As the rich man in Europe Germany can neither afford nor has the will to come to the rescue of one European country after another. Europe may prove to be not only the epicentre of this disease but the epicentre of the unfolding debt crisis too.

In UK news reported cases at 2,262 and 72 dead. (At least 2 days behind now. Anecdotally they are testing all hospital admissions - broken legs, kidney stones etc). Schools in Scotland and Wales to close on Friday. Still deciding about England but increasingly parents taking kids out anyway. "Furious", "gutted" and "surprised" Brits in Spain ordered to fly home immediately. A prisoner in HMP Manchester has tested positive. And shockingly Princess Beatrice has called off her wedding to British-Italian skier Count Mozzi.

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