Buying Deer Feed For Homestead Baking

in #off-grid7 years ago

I have long experimented with food sold as "animal" feed due to its lower price. Most of the time its just not pretty enough for store shelves so it is packaged up and sold cheap.

I dont care if my carrots are all perfectly sized and formed. Food is food in my opinion.

We just picked up 20 pounds of carrots for about $4 and some change plus 20 pounds of apples for about $5.

These are just food. They were considered imperfect in some way so they were picked out and packaged as animal food.

There is nothing wrong with this food but for its size, shape or appearance normally. There are some rotted spots due to rough handling but those go to the chickens so nothing is wasted anyway.

My wife Melanie used some of the carrots to bake some carrot cake muffins. They turned out very well.

We plan to use the apples for canning and dehydrating for later use. We will can some apples for use in pies and deserts. Some we can dry and vacuum seal for later use as snacks.

This will give us some nice, tasty food for the winter.

And it was cheap.

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"I will treat Melanie like a Princess when she gets here" ... Well I guess in the USA, princesses have low standards when comes to eating... If I was to tell my wife we will eat "Deer Feed" for dinner, I am pretty sure she would instruct me to spend the night in My Greenhouse Palace or My Toolshed mansion. But hey... what do I know... I m just a Canadian :)

So saying "Buying Deer Feed For Homestead Baking" as a title for video is only a click bait?

I do not watch your videos... I found that when I do, my swearing goes up the roof and it usually cost me a new monitor after throwing it against the wall...

I will watch your video as soon as you finished up-voting all my blog content, I promise.

I am way more Zen then you think and somehow, I am pretty sure that if I really want to put a minimum of effort I can get you to have steam coming out of your ears way before I get to any level of anger.

WOW, actual humor coming from you? That's a new one... getting a new wind of sefleSTEEM ? Do you eSTEEMate that all the time you spend here will make you enough income to upgrade to cat food sandwiches? :)

Oh yes please. I want steem coming out of my ears.

Oh no. I just wanted you to smash your monitor.

Cool. I have another video for you to watch.

So carrots and apples are low standards to you? Oh well, to each his own.

You're talking about a guy who killed a dog, two goats and hundreds of chickens by starving them to death...

He had to do something with all the animal food he withheld from the pets and livestock....

Boy, and this is the type of lies that I am talking about. Its all filthy lies. Go away. Find something else to do with your life.

@thediyworld It is you lied about Joy , your dog. You said she was re-homed but you still had her food, dog bed, house and items weeks after she left. Anyone asking about her was blocked from your youtube channel. Your lies don't match your video. Joy's time with you was spent on a chain until ASPCA visited and then she vanished. Killed in the woods eh Troy?

Its not that you "asked"but rather that you kept saying I killed my animals. Like the goats that were SOLD, with receipts which went to the original (actual) owner of the goats. But you know that.

And the chickens never died. They were sold. But you know that too.

@thediyworld So none of your 'chickens never died' ??? How about the 'greasy one' you left diseased under your trailer for days because 'you didn't want to touch it'. Poor bird suffered as they all did from starvation. Dozens of your chickens were lost to raccoons due to your poorly built coups. You killed numerous groups of new hatchlings by allowing electric power and their heat to be shut off and they froze. You are extremely cruel to animals and should never own another. They mean nothing to you except a 'prop' for your 'off-grid' lies.

This is why he isn't uploading the New York videos of his toxic illegal garbage dump....In almost every video there are dead animals left to rot...

@thediyworld Those are horrible things (events) and go look in the mirror at the mindless neglectful human that caused all the pain, cruelty and suffering to all those animals. Thank you for admitting what you DID was horrible to the defenseless animals in your care.

Troy tell the Truth for once. What really happened to Joy the loving beagle you had chained up in pine bush. All that poor dog wanted was your unconditional love.

What happened to her troy? Never another word. Piece of shit.

What do you really expect for a Fragile X man child who is developmentally arrested?

You are more than welcome. Please do the right thing! Get a real job that will provide for you and your family!

This is my job, but thanks for the friendly advice :)

This is a great money making idea for you Troy . I watched a fellow Youtuber from NY state who has since moved to Michigan do this . It's brilliant and your subs will love it also . What this genius would do is start some type of project , complete 60 to 70 percent and then whine and complain that he didn't have enough funds to complete the task . His subs would then send donations and gifts to the wretched fellow out of sympathy . Now this is the brilliant part , read closely . He was a proclaimed Christian soul and would never deceive a person . His subs of course took his word as gospel . Whatever this man claims is surely the truth . He would then claim the project was finished but not film the competed task . Pocket the donated cash and sell the gifts on CL . Absolutely brilliant . What do you think of this idea Troy ? Does it seem a little dishonest or just a fantastic idea ? I truly hope you can give me your opinion on this . I will post this on every video .

Well, it certainly sounds like a pretty bad man now doesnt it. I hope I never meet such a person.

A bad man yes , I certainly agree . There are many more stories about this bad man that I will share with you every couple of days . Intriguing tales that will keep your followers on the edge of their seats . The next one will be about a downtrodden , disease stricken bloke who worked for this " bad man " .

Tell the one about how he transported a convicted pedophile across state lines and then invited a family with small children to stay with him....

From what I hear he looks a lot like this perv...


Oh, good story. You mean that "innocent" family that were friends with the man in question? That same family who came to spy out the land to let you guys know the layout so they could vandalize the place?

Oh, yes that family.

And I was stupid and trusted people back then.

And you cannot deny that they were friends. There are open conversations between them all over the internet. I even have the family mans confession where he bragged about coming to spy out the land for your guys.

Oh the poor innocent man.

Nice pic Dan. Troy is rubbing another man's penis with a pool noodle. Troy's pedo church cult loves bunshafting, (penis between anothers buns) and oily massages. Troys main love is Trucker Buck who gives Troy lots of grinding. With all these activities he doesn't have time to work a regular job so donate NOW.

Nice pic Dan. Troy is rubbing another man's penis with a pool noodle. Troy's pedo church cult loves bundschafting, (penis between anothers buns) and oily massages. Troys main love is Trucker Buck who gives Troy lots of grinding. With all these activities he doesn't have time to work a regular job so donate NOW.

Nice pic Dan. Troy is rubbing another man's penis with a pool noodle. Troy's pedo church cult loves bundschafting, (penis between anothers buns) and oily massages. Troys main love is Trucker Buck who gives Troy lots of grinding. With all these activities he doesn't have time to work a regular job so donate NOW.

Do the story where Troy uses a man that wore a neck brace. Tell the story where Troy said that neck brace man Chris only had months to live and is still alive years later.

Oh goodie. I love a great fiction story. Add some maniacal robots in there. I love science fiction. With the death of Asimov life just has not been the same anymore.

Do you still have your food dehydrator or did you leave that back in Pine Bush? Are you storing all of this food in the garage along with your squash and potato haul from last week (over 300 pounds)? Have you canned any of that yet? Seems like you are hoarding fresh vegetables now and they will spoil before you do anything with them.

Well then I guess you have to follow all the videos. Oh, you do dont you. You copy them all each day.

So then you do know the answers to the questions.

Ok then. I wont spoil it for anyone else here. Let them follow along.

Boy you guys sure are dedicated to harassing me, that is for sure.

How many accounts are on your blocked list? You must have deleted thousands of posts over the last 5 years. Why do you think there are so many "trolls" (most well meaning people who have been blocked) trying to shut you down. Grow a pair get a job and provide fro your family.

If Troy simply did not block people for offering good advice. Asking legit questions about his u tube life and lying constantly. He would never have any of this.
Yep Troy this is your own creation. Your one and only success.

Why do you feel that you have the right to slander and harass me and my viewers?

And you get upset when I block you on YouTube?

Freedom of speech ends when it impinges on someone else's rights.

Attacking, harassing, vandalism, theft, threats and more - are NOT free speach. It is illegal.

And you are quite ill when you say "well meaning people" are "trying to shut you down".

But thank you for posting this publicly for all to see. It shows your intent.

If you guys would stop harassing us, we would be doing quite well again financially.

You blocked me when I asked about your air conditioning unit running on solar and questioned if you had enough solar to run the unit. Why block people who were asking honest questions I have since added solar saving half of my power bill and never had the problems you had as you did not know how your system worked correctly and damaged all of your batteries. I then found sucks and my eyes were opened to your ebegging and scams. If you had not blocked me I would never have found sucks and here we are today.

Is your oven gas or electric? When are you going to show how your house is powered “off the grid”?

Well, just go back to all my videos that have shown the answers to all your questions. But I am NOT going to spoil it for the rest here who are watching my videos. They will see everything soon enough. Just like you did.

@thediyworld If you had shown it clearly in your videos, then I and others wouldn’t be asking these questions that you have been handwaving away.

Because it is clearly in my video. Boy, sounds like a broken record. Anyway, people here will soon see the videos.

Dont you ever get tired of asking the exact same questions only to ignore the answers? I mean I have given full explanations to some of your friends again and again and again. I tire of it. So you either see it in the videos or not. Not my problem.

Genius! I buy 2nd quality produce all the time at a fraction of the price. Cut off the bad spots for my chickens and can/freeze/dehydrate/eat the rest! ;)

Don't be taken in by TR the monkey. Troy Reid, better know as TR, Trog, Leatherhead (because of his dirty stinking greasy old hat that he wears every place he goes even in the house) Turkey Head, Fruit Loops and more, is a full time ebegger, scammer and a fraud.
He has a band of dedicated goons on his YouTube channel that send him their money because he refuses to get a job.
His 100k subs on YouTube, I believe are mostly bought hence the reason for on 2 or 3 thousand views of his no content video.
I think what has amazed me the most since he has been on here is just how nasty he is, throwing random accusations at everyone because he can't delete their comment.
Trog story of scanning and stupidity is a long one, he is the only YouTuber I know that has a superb dedicated sucks site, it is definitely the best place to gen up on his evil doings.
Come on over, everyone is friendly, it's not the place Reids suckers make it out to be.

Google pays my bills. Thats not like begging at all. Until you guys came along I was doing quite well at it too. Hence the reduced viewers on YouTube and the reason I am forced to move to other forums to make some money.

I find the most amazing thing is that you guys throw around accusations and then complain about me throwing around accusations. And all I do is point to your own accusations and openly posted bragging of your wins and attacks against me.

Cool. Good to meet someone else who saves like this.

I've eaten wild apples, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, pears, dandelion greens, onions and many others. They are all deer food, but also people food. I say if its food eat it.

Looks good. I think you really love baking. Can i have some @thediyworld.? :)

This man and all of his videos are based on a lie. All for the donations and free grifts sorry gifts. Go and have a look at and see for yourself. Not baked off grid 100% on grid with a mail order bride paid for by ebegging

Lol, if I could send you some, I would. My wife does the baking and she is so awesome!!!

Nice to hear that. What an awesome wife you had. Hungry no more! Lol

His wife, Ming Ming is all bought and paid for by donations, t-shirt sales, ebegging and scamming. He did that well out of it he also managed to buy a mini bike that was after his viewers had paid to get her flown over. His videos are not in order on here so it’s difficult and rather boring anyway trying to keep up in his twist of lies!
All of this is for drama.

Don't be taken in by TR the monkey. Troy Reid, better know as TR, Trog, Leatherhead (because of his dirty stinking greasy old hat that

he wears every place he goes even in the house) Turkey Head, Fruit Loops and more, is a full time ebegger, scammer and a fraud.
He has a band of dedicated goons on his YouTube channel that send him their money because he refuses to get a job.
His 100k subs on YouTube, I believe are mostly bought hence the reason for only 2 or 3 thousand views of his no content video.
I think what has amazed me the most since he has been on here is just how nasty he is, throwing random accusations at everyone

because he can't delete their comment.
Trogs story of scanning and stupidity is a long one, he is the only YouTuber I know that has a superb dedicated sucks site, it is

definitely the best place to gen up on his evil doings.
Come on over, everyone is friendly, it's not the place Reids suckers make it out to be.

Selling tshirts, coffee mugs, homemade products and other things is a legitimate business and not begging or scamming. And that is all anyone is ever going to see on my videos as they watch.

Get a life.

I make videos of our daily lives. If you dont believe me, then leave.

Its so simple.

I've eaten wild apples, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, pears, dandelion greens, onions and many others. They are all deer food, but also people food. I say if its food eat it.

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