How to Make Dogs Guide
Hello to all lovers of online art and dogs too, ^ _ ^

Only these things happen to me> :( Previously I mentioned that where I live, I don't have internet because of some idiots who broke down the main network wiring, that's why I only publish a couple of days a week, every time I can go to my sister's house in the city center and it takes me more than an hour to get there. All the gifs and images I prepare very carefully in my house and then go to where my sister to use the internet, yesterday I spent the whole morning and part of the afternoon finishing all of my publication and I go to my sister's house I arrive At about 4:20 p.m., and when I introduce my USB flash drive to the PC it turns out that I forget to put the files, and then I look like an idiot looking at the monitor for a while in a state of denial. T_T Moral always check that everything is inside the pendrive.
As the title of this post states, the guide that I share today is about how to draw at the first option of choosing a pet THE DOG considered the best friend of all, faithful companion who never abandon his companion, an animal that expresses so much love and darling that it is impossible not to love them, and also takes care of the whole house and always vigilant of all threats to their loved ones, not for nothing is my favorite animal, so I am pleased to introduce and explain this guide you can do to draw them without many difficulties.
Pencil sketch of my guide

The Dog's head
To always make any drawing, a structure must be made as a base made of geometric shapes, so that it serves as guides for our strokes, and The dogs head when summarizing them in geometric shapes, is constructed from a circle for its entire base and a cylinder for its snout.

Dog's head in profile

When drawing the head from an angle of profile, it should be taken into account that the muzzle varies depending on the breed, and when doing so in profile a rectangle or trapezoid is used to represent the muzzle.
Heads according to breed
Unlike cats, the physical appearance of each dog changes a lot depending on the breed or miscegenation that it has, due to this there is a great variety in its features.



Pug Carlino

The dog is considered the best friend of all, faithful companion who never abandon his companion, this animal has a noble, calm, affectionate and helpful attitude and this should be reflected when this nice animal is drawn.

The Dog's body

When analyzing the dog's body in detail, it is understood that this should allow a balance between agility and strength, so the most predominant form will be large ovals to represent its muscles and rib cage, thin legs for its speed, and a large neck for The strength of their bites.
The different heights of dogs

The anatomy of the dog changes depending on its breed, the biggest difference and the most noticeable is its size, the large ones have longer legs and greater volume, instead the small breeds have the shortest pastas and are more compact in the body.
About the drawing of dogs

Despite the different aspects of the breeds, in the drawing the geometric structure of the dog is practically the same regardless of the breed, size or volume of its fur.

The Stylized Dog (Cartoon Style)

By simplifying the appearance of a dog in a drawing, its calm and affectionate personality should be reflected.

Stylizing your figure almost always results in a puppy.

Technical information:
Vector digital drawing
Program used Adobe Illustrator CC 2015
Full resolution 4724 x 3602px at 300dpi

Spanish version

Thank you very much for reading my post
I hope you liked my Guide and find it very useful
See you in an upcoming publication

Copyright @inu-jim –Allrightsreserved
I hope you liked my Guide and find it very useful
See you in an upcoming publication

Copyright @inu-jim –Allrightsreserved
Awesome post! So awesome it has been manually curated with a resteem and a 100% upvote, including upvotes from our Steemauto fanbase. Follow @theresteemer5000 for a higher chance to be resteemed and upvoted more often.
Do you have a YouTube tutorials channel?! I could use some help learning all these stuff 👶
I have my YouTube account, but I don't have it active, since I don't have Internet, it would be very difficult for me to upload the videos, but when my connection is restored I will start videos about my drawings and many speedpaints
Fantastic tutorial, @inu-jim, I realy like you have left all the important info on your workflow.
Thanks @lighteye, I always think that if I am going to show a guide, I must explain it in detail for everyone to understand clearly ^ _ ^
Amazing! Such an incredible work! my respect dude, u are the best
Haha thanks ^ _ ^ I hope it helps you a lot dude
Nice tutorial. Thank you.
Thank you @freshprince69420 and it is a pleasure to show you these tutorials ^ _ ^
This is a bit of "draw the rest of the owl" but the principles here do help out a lot. Thanks!
My next guide will be on wings, but later I have to take one of birds especially from owls
Wuaooooooo 😲😲😲 its just amazing this tutorial, impresive, terrific, congratulations 🐕🐶🐩
hehe, thanks a lot @kgwork ^ _ ^
Another fabulous drawing guide. We're all about cats and dogs and love this! 🐶❤️
Thanks!, cats and dogs deserve a lot of love ^ _ ^
Otra increíble guía cariño, no lo recuerdo pero creo que nunca he hecho un perro, al menos no todo completo... con tu guía se ve fácil así que puede que lo intente uno de estos días.
Es una lastima lo que te pasa con el Internet, estamos igual solo que en mi caso uso Bam, deberías comprarte uno y así puedas publicar mas seguido.
Saludos cariño. ;)