Bringing about destruction is one of the most easily achieved things; One simply takes a thing that other people have constructed and tears it down; A physical thing or just a concept even...Everything can be destroyed in some manner, partially or utterly, and that destruction can take place quickly or over greater periods of time.
This image shows Glastonbury Abbey in the English County of Somerset. I was there not so long ago and snapped this photo of the ruins.
The Abbey was founded in the 7th century, further developed and enlarged in the 10th and, unfortunately destroyed by fire in the year 1184. It was rebuilt though, and by the 14th century was one of the most powerful, influential and richest monasteries in England.
I spent some 5 hours there poking my nose into all the history, factual and mythological, the Abbey itself and it's extensive grounds and outbuildings. There is a strong link to legends around King Arthur too, as around 1191 it was claimed to be the final resting place of both he and Guinevere, his wife and queen. I'm not so sure about that part but it's deep history, and story around its utter destruction make it an extremely interesting place to visit.
In the year 1536 England held more than 850 monasteries, nunneries and friaries...Thanks to King Henry the Eighth and his greedy, egotistical and destructive ways by 1541 there were none. His Dissolution of the monasteries had been effected with extreme prejudice and efficiency.
Glastonbury Abbey was not spared of course and after some resistance by the Abbot, Richard Whiting, it fell into the hands of the Kings men, was stripped of any wealth and torn apart. The Abbot, labelled a traitor, was taken up to Glastonbury Tor and was subsequently hanged, drawn and quartered (15 November 1539). Not a very pleasant way to spend an afternoon I would imagine.

Faith on the (fairly steep) walk up to Glastonbury Tor. You can see the tower in the centre of shot which is where the Abbot was killed. In the second shot Faith holds up the two front towers of the Abbey...This was a spectacularly large and sumptuously-appointed building back in it's hey-day.
King Henry, and his henchmen, had achieved his goal, filled his coffers and taken control of the church in England...Destruction complete. Too bad to those folks within the community who had no choice in the matter. Stand aside or die.
Now, it could be argued that the church had too much power in the first place which was probably the case, however the destruction wrought, at the hands of many, by the orders of one, across England seems to me a little over-the-top...But what else could be expected from someone who proclaimed himself head of the church of England, none other than that nutbag-froot loop King Henry!
You may be wondering why I'm writing about this...Well, firstly because I want to and can and secondly because I'm reminded of this destructive historical period when I hear and see certain behaviours on steem.
I've recently experienced a little of that destructive behaviour and whilst it didn't affect me, or bother me too much at all, (in fact it worked in my favour to some degree), it was still destructive...To steem in general. It was orchestrated by someone who has given himself a title not dissimilar to our mentally retarded friend, King Henry as above.
This individual, the great and successful doctor, and his henchmen are still out and about laying waste across the blockchain, tearing down what others work hard to construct and all in the name of...All in the name of...Erm...All in the name of...Umm ok, I'm at a loss here as I fail to see any benefit to the actions undertaken by the great doctor...Really mate? Jeez, even that retard King Henry I had a reason and benefit to gain from his actions!
If you're reading this you may or may not know to whom I refer however I'm pretty confident that if you have read this all the way through you are one of those people ultimately affected by the actions of these few users. We all are actually.
Ultimately the actions we take here have the ability to reach into every corner of the steem community adding value or subtracting from it. Essentially, we can create or destroy. The choice, and ramifications for our actions, is ours to bear.
Anyway, if you don't know what happened to King Henry I'll tell you...
He died. Yep, he died, and is best remembered for his misdeeds, incredible ego and hubris, tirades and tantrums...Did he build things? Did he perform good deeds in his life? Yeah sure he did, as a younger man he was a respected fighter, an intelligent lad and handsome too...But we all simply remember him for decapitating those who he didn't like, (including many wives), for holding himself high above all, and outside of the law, and for the brutal dissolution of the monasteries...Not even his poetry is really remembered which, unlike the great and successful doctor's mentioned here was actually pretty good.
I very much doubt that the abusers we see on steem will be remembered for long and should steem rise, and rise again, I think they will enjoy the anonymity that they deserve...Although they will also enjoy the price rise I guess, despite their destructive nature.
Anyway, thanks for allowing me to exercise my right to post about whatever I choose to write. We're all here making choices and in the main most are making very good ones...I guess the important thing to remember is that the blockchain is incredibly transparent and someone is always watching...Even if it seems they are not.
If you could do one single thing to help grow steem, to future-proof it, to prevent its destruction or simply to force the price up what would you do and why? Conversely, if you wanted to destroy it, as some seem intent upon doing, what would you do?
Tomorrow isn't promised - Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default
An original post written by a human
Discord: galenkp#9209 🇦🇺
Thank you attending the meet up last night. I found it rather energizing to meet up again with enthusiastic people again, and as always the ability to glean new hints and tips.
I think that downvote bot abuse, let’s call it what it is, is just as bad as upvote bot abuse.
A manually curated downvote is a different thing as it requires thought, whereas, to attack people because they have SBI tokens, or just because their downvote percentage had hit 100% is pretty low.
How is that good for mass adoption? It isn’t.
I don’t know how to implement it, but I think that downvoting needs some sort of proof that you’re human, or even an “Are you sure?” style question asked. It’s not ideal.
The innocent @tts bot, that translates text to speech, is being unfairly attacked in my opinion.
Sure, it’s a bot, but something that helps deaf people access the block-chain? How is that a bad actor?
Yes, it was pretty hot last night but was glad I went and caught up with everyone as it has been a while. It's hard to believe we've been doing that for two years now!
There's loads of things wrong with steem and bots are one of them as you say. I guess it's a sign of the times that humans want someone (something) else to do the work. What is tts getting attacked for? I didn't know that was happening.
I think the downvote bots are programmed to attack any bot that they consider to be spamming.
But I have seen a few people-based accounts downvoting it too, so I am not entirely sure.
Thank you.
@shaidon you have received
from @galenkp!View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine.
Just letting you know matey - IIIV isn't a number in roman numerals - VIII is - but I knew what you meant.
If you could do one single thing to help grow steem, to future-proof it, to prevent its destruction or simply to force the price up what would you do and why?
Get rid of the obvious political leftism bias in the management structure.
The pendulum is moving 'back to sanity', IMO, and I think the leftty virtue signalers (and the woke companies associated with that ideology), will be left high and dry as the pendulum keeps swinging away from that perspective of governance.
Meritocratic based companies will not find Steem an attractive proposition to invest in. (not even addressing the DPOS system).
Just my opinion.
I've missed the drama it seems - bugger .....who are you talking about? Any clues?
Howdy sir galenkp! I don't know who you're talking about but I hope they implement something that reigns in the unfair and senseless downvoting somehow.
I think the community as a whole is slowly weeding out the buttwads which is good for everyone. Those doing it take some heat and it would be good if everyone added their weight but it is left to a few so will take longer.
Yeah that would be great if thousands would jump on them when they downvoted someone without cause!
They are downvoting comments now, loads of them...I wouldn't be surprised if you see some of yours get attention, I guess it depends on who you comment on.
Oh! I didn't know they were downvoting comments. dang, that sounds like a new low. Yes I'm sure I'll be a target also. Freakin dirtbags.
Just another cry out for relevance...Whats next...Up voting others in the community like the rest of us? Fancy that huh?
They'll eventually disappear.
lol..well I hope you're right about them disappearing, I think they're really bad for the platform.
Yes, they are bad for it, and they will...Either fall into line or disappear.