No Challenge? - NO Wördel!

“Good things come in threes!” – at least that’s what a German proverb says.
Do you have a similar saying in your language, dear international Wördel fans? Honestly, I don’t care about the answer right now because I insist on the good thing – no matter the language. On the third Wördel in NO community!
We already have a few regular players who are slowly getting used to the NO rules. Do you notice something?
You’re playing because you enjoy wordplay. You find us because you enjoy playing wordplay. Maybe you’re just here because you somehow stumbled into NO community, which has its own legitimate reasons for existing.
No blushing when some ridiculous person accuses you of jerk circling? No intentions besides fun (and winning NO quiz)? Then you’re in the right place! Don’t let anyone tell you "NO"! So go ahead and play the English NO Wördel for the third time!
We play Wördel according to the succinctly summarised Wordle™ rules.
The implementation of the game as an exclusive Deutsch Unplugged blockchain variant is completely unplugged - i.e. handmade - as follows:
Five-letter words are being sought. These were determined under notary supervision and sent as an encrypted message to @chriary.
You grab one word comment (downstairs in the comment section) and guess any five-letter word.
The referee marks the letters as follows:
- Letter crossed out: Letter NOT present in the searched word.
- Letter in italics: Letter present in the searched word, but not in the position.
- Letter in bold: Letter is present in exactly this position in the searched word.
In the second turn, you must now use the information you have received to combine another five-letter word.
Five moves are possible according to exactly this scheme, the sixth word MUST be correct at the latest.
Play 1 - EQUAL. Referee:EQUAL
Play 2 - BUDDY. Referee:BUDDY
Play 3 - UNITY. Referee: U N I T Y - Yeah!Each player guesses his/her word (first come, first served...) until the end, the referee appears at least once a day.
PLEASE... If you have an automatic browser translation running on your phone, the formatting of the letters (bold, italic, crossed out) is not always displayed. To confirm, go to the original article, PLEASE...
- Every participant who guesses a word correctly will receive a share of the rewards for this post, paid out after payout by payout bot DUBby.
- For fine-tuning, I will spread a few higher comment votes.
No DUBby, no rewards!
So please don’t forget to give a Witness Vote to DUBby's developer @moecki, who is also jointly responsible for the smooth operation of the blockchain.
Word 03
It is dark i will switch on the.
I hope it is bright enough for this tricky task, your
L I GHTThe weather is great here so I am
I hope that even without a further letter hit you will remain
A P P YI would love to ride a
Okay... Buy yourself a saddle, here is your
OR SEso close xd. Now I need only one letter. let me guess.
I want to SHARE something with you xd.
Word 05
Ich war doch einigermaßen erstaunt, als ich in der Nacht die neue Ausgabe entdeckte. Ich war aber zu müde, um gleich loszulegen.
Ich bin halt immer wieder für eine Überraschung gut... 😎
Wenn ich an dieser Stelle ausbreitete, weshalb ich bis tief in die Nacht bzw. in den frühen Morgen hinein nicht schlafen kann, wäre es aber doch etwas zu privat. Nur so viel: Zum Glück konnte ich dennoch rechtzeitig aufstehen und meine Tiere versorgen, denn alle Getränke waren nur
JUI C YDas soll dann auch privat bleiben. Hauptsache, deine Schafe bleiben nicht
Ach was, den Schafen wird nichts mangeln. Wenn sie traurig sind, singe ich ihnen etwas vor. Sie lieben die Hymne "You'll Never Walk
O N EDet is schee...
Bin gerade aus dem Wahlbüro gekommen... und brauche dringend etwas Aufheiterung. Bei den bisherigen Buchstaben drängt direkt ein Lächeln auf:
Ah, musstest du auch sitzen?! Ich war Wahlvorstand und somit den ganzen Tag anwesend. Aber bei 119 Wahlberechtigten waren wir dann doch schon um 19:30 Uhr mit allem durch. Hat diesmal recht lange gedauert, die obligatorische Pizza danach war kalt. Ansonsten gab es irgendwie nicht so viel to
G HDa habt ihr aber gut geschafft. 💪
Ich bin etwas ratlos. Ich glaube, dieses Wort ist wirklich schwer. Naja, dann muss ich noch ein wenig ausschließen...
Word 04
This week, you are undoubtedly the quiz queen! And here is your CROWN👑
Haha, yes. I'm sure other times will come soon and the Shreks will rule again, but for now, thank you for the
C RO WNYour Highness, I thank you for speaking as an equal both with kings and with someone as LOWLY as me
Haha, stop it, I'm laughing my head off at the thought of an outsider reading this dialogue... 😂
Today your hurdles hang very
L YThat's it, I'm stopping, but let me ask you: do you happen to have any ice? Because when I fell on my knees in front of you, I accidentally hurt my ELBOW and would like to apply some ice to it.
I'm not sure if ice will do any good. I'd rather reward you with lots of gold nuggets so you can afford the expensive medicine for your
🏆 3 Attempts
!DUBby 10%
Word 07
A new week! I learned a new proverb and looking for similar proverbs in Sri Lanka. SADLY non I can relate to “Good things come in threes!” 🤔
Maybe we can relate “Good things come in threes!” to the number of times you try to solve this puzzle? If you can’t repeat the three, it’s not that
D L YThat's a challenge! But I'm into a good START now. So let's see..
You are usually just as good at the end as you were at the
TAR TThen may I end this week with a SNACK?
Sorry, you have to stay hunkgry. No cheese, no
NAC KWhat a SHAME! I thought "Good things come in threes!" 😭
Word 01
Hihi! Da bin ich doch ein bißchen stolz, als Erste hier gelandet zu sein...:
Sehr cool, denn ich bin auch noch anwesend. Aus Gründen. Ach...
Apropos, google mal nach "Schwule Böcke" (Wolle). Wenn du welche besitzt, hast du
P RID ENa dann... Willkommen unter den späten Vögeln ;-))
Danke. Aber, nee, grundsätzlich ist das nicht meine Zeit. Dann bin ich oft noch tüddeliger als sonst und setzte gern mal einen gerade weggestrichenen Buchstaben wieder ein... ;-)
T E MSVerspätet, oh weh... Mit seeeehr lieblicher Begründung, ich schwöre. Acht Beine, mindestens ;-)) Schreibe bald mehr! Für heute:
Oh, hör sich ein bisschen nach dem an, was ich erst Mitte März erwarte... ;-)
OL IDHa! Schwester im Geiste ;-)) Aber wördeltechnisch bin ich wohl manchmal einfach ein bißchen
The winds softly
Occupied Word
This word is already used by user weisser-rabe, you have to choose your own word.
At this moment, numbers 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9 are unoccupied. But that can't last much longer - first come, first served, the timestamp counts. Hurry up!
Thanks 😉, now i understand the game fully. Great game 😁🎯
Word 10
Dauernd versteckt ihr euch in anderen Gruppen.
Trotzdem gefunden...
Äh, "wir" verstecken uns? Finde den Fehler!
Wenn mir jemand so etwas vorwirft, der seit sieben bzw. drei Wochen erwiesenermaßen nicht auf seinen Feed achtet und somit die Spiele seiner Lieblingssteemians verpasst, halte ich das für ziemlich übertriebenen
A LERTDas habe ich doch noch NIE gemacht. Schaue immer nur in den Gruppen oder #deutsch.
Habe aber derzeit auch kaum Zeit. Online nur noch wichtige Dinge, ansonsten Pepe
Reallife und ein dazugehöriges Tokenprojekt.
Stimmt, das hast du noch nie gemacht und das hat mich schon immer gewurmt. Vor allem, weil du dir stattdessen #deutsch angeguckt hast - als wäre das der Fundort für die besten Gems.
Ach, was soll's - irgendwie haben wir uns ja doch immer ge-
ME E TSFrei nach dem Motto: Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt!
Auch bekannt unter: Er lernt's nie! 😂
Nun gut, dann weiter im Text mit Versuch 3.
Hätte ich mir ja denken können. Wenn jemand die Voraussetzung der Oase - Brush your
trifft, dann ich. 🍿
P.S. Zum Glück habe ich nicht Word 1 gewählt. Die gelbe Karte hätte ich kassiert, weil es bei mir laut Bildschirm noch frei war. 🥳
Wer jetzt noch an Zufälle glaubt...!?
Hätte ich mich auf die KI verlassen... Ich hätte es verkackt. lol
Hast du irgendeine Vorstellung davon, wie sehr ich mich innerlich totgelacht habe? Nach Wochen tauchst du auf und nimmst ausgerechnet Wort 10!
Jeder, der jemals etwas von Kleingartenvereinen gehört hat, muss doch nun an Schiebung denken. Aber ich schwöre hoch und heilig, dass ich wochenlang keinen außersteemischen Kontakt zu dir hatte und du keinen Zugang zum Safe meines Notars hast. Es ist einfach so, dass das Universum oft einen ziemlich guten Humor hat!
Prost! Auf das Universum und stets gut geputzte
🏆 3 Attempts
!DUBby 10%
Genau wie die KI! lol
P.S. - NO Community, No control, No DUBby...
I hope that @peppermint24 gets BRUSH next time.
Word 02
Looks interesting, so I just comment the word like this?
Yes, indeed. You simply comment with a five-letter word and draw your conclusions after the referee evaluates it.
Sometimes you use my husband's favorite opening word, which is
A U DIOWell I wanted to start with a word that contains many vowels, trying to apply the same logic as I would playing Hangman.
Is there a time limit I should consider between comments? I don't want to spam you with notifications.
I think the strategy of finding or excluding vowels is a smart tactical one. It has to be - after all, I usually play exactly like that... 😉
No, we don't have a time limit here. Except for the time until this article runs out - by then all words must be solved. After two days without any activity on the word, I ask... 😎
So everything is fine. That's great, that's
P RI MESo far this word feels MISTY, I need to clarify it.
Hm, you're getting close to it. It's a nice word though. It's more sunny, not
STYI MIGHT have the word you are looking for!
I think today I am
Occupied Word
This word is already used by user ady-was-here, you have to choose your own word.
At this moment, numbers 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9 are unoccupied. But that can't last much longer - first come, first served, the timestamp counts. Hurry up!
Thanks noted.
Word 08
Check my feed? There’s no need.
Off to NO Community - yes, there it is!
A post on Wordle, I click and read,
Words lined up, a playful
Ah, friends of no community are no friends of mine... 😎
How I love no possibilities to
T E A S EThis is excellent. Not even a single letter...😒
My goodness, what a letdown.
Friends or no friends,
let's take it easy - how's that SOUND?
It is always a great help to me when no letter is correct. Now you've been unlucky in this respect, because one letter is a direct hit. Only one, but that's the price you pay for a good
SOU N DSometimes, when things have gone slightly wrong, I'll just keep playing a song. So, take me to the land of no worry, 'cause here comes again the midnight
Thank you, now I have learned a new word. That is a truck. Nevertheless: no glory with the
LO R R YI thought about bringing in some words that are less familiar since this is a word game, after all 😉 But, man, that was unexpected! Well, I definitely enjoyed the ride with lorry - now I don't have to
Word 09
You got the last word just in time. Great, that makes me happy. And so I'm very happy while giving your word the
A R K SOh, good GRIEF. I've not got off to a good start here!
It's slow moving, but it's moving forward. So swallow your
G RIE FPhew! It might look bad, but now I'm getting somewhere! I still have time to CLIMB to the top!
This is the only word I can think of which has an 'I' in the middle and an 'M' in it so if I'm wrong, I'm stuffed.
You can breathe a sigh of relief. After a strenuous, steep climb, you've made it!
🏆 3 Attempts
!DUBby 10%
It's impressive how well it works to choose a completely different 2nd word to the 1st!
Word 06
Hi guys this is a MAGIC day
Hi, nice to see you back... ;-)
I'm always shocked when no letter is correct, but on second glance it's also very useful when you can immediately rule out five letters. Somehow
M A G I CWell no one letter oh Jesús christ i could be lucky with PROUD
This looks a bit better, you can be
PR OU DNow i got two letters maybe this time i'll be lucky with this one
Sure, since the third letter hides in
WO RSTI think it could be some kind of VOTER