(First new writing of 2020) "Our Legacy Indeed"(a sonnet)
When it is all said and done,
What will the history remember of you?
Were you only interested in having fun? Or
Did you make some lasting impact too.
Being human, you made mistakes and did harm,
But being human you also did some good; no?
I’m sure you brought joy, kept someone warm,
While living your life as it flowed.
Our lives seldom occur as we might wish;
Our hopes and dreams fade.
Yet in our core, our beauty inspires gooseflesh,
To anyone with sense enough to find shade.
We love each other, we help those in need.
That is the scope of our being; our legacy indeed.
“Our Legacy Indeed”
a sonnet
Jerry E Smith

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks

When it is all said and done,
What will the history remember of you?
Were you only interested in having fun? Or
Did you make some lasting impact too.
Being human, you made mistakes and did harm,
But being human you also did some good; no?
I’m sure you brought joy, kept someone warm,
While living your life as it flowed.
Our lives seldom occur as we might wish;
Our hopes and dreams fade.
Yet in our core, our beauty inspires gooseflesh,
To anyone with sense enough to find shade.
We love each other, we help those in need.
That is the scope of our being; our legacy indeed.
“Our Legacy Indeed”
a sonnet
Jerry E Smith
These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks