Ramdam Mubaruk
The Holy Ramadan month is one of the occasional morevealednth in Muslim society. This month we who are Muslim spent our time reading holly Quran, Faraz & additional nofol prayer. Ramadan is ending at last becoming Eid-ul Fetor.
Ramadan is the month of fasting.
The Important things of Ramadan-
Ramadan is the month of donating to poor people,
Ramadan is the month of revealed Holly Quran.
Ramadan is the month rahmat Barkat & nazat.
a popular way to break the fast isEating dates.
Ramadan is one of the pillars of Islam out of five.
All Muslims get fasting from sunrise to sunset.
Geting sahery & Ifter is one of the part of Ramdan.
The Holly Sub-E-Qudar is a most importent day in Ramdan.
So We should make more pop use of the month of Ramadan.
Please stay with me
Good job
Ramadan Mubarak