Lightning in India
During a rainfall in Gurgaon, a suburb near the Indian capital, Delhi, in March, four gardeners working at a condominium took cover under a tree.An orange flash flashed down the trunk, followed by pealing thunder, all within minutes.Lightning normally lasts only a fraction of a second.
A typical lightning flash has a voltage of 300 million volts and a current of 30,000 amps, which is lethal.It has the ability to heat the air surrounding it to temperatures five times higher than those seen on the sun's surface.
The four men were knocked out.One of them perished, while the rest were severely burned.I have no recollection of what happened to me or how it occurred.Everything was destroyed in a matter of seconds
A almost 500-mile-long bolt of lightning ripped through three US states.His coworker was one of the more than 2,500 Indians who die each year as a result of lightning strikes.According to government figures, lightning strikes killed more than 100,000 individuals in the country between 1967 and 2019.
During this time period, natural disasters claimed the lives of more than a third of the peopleSurvivors may have symptoms like fatigue, disorientation, and memory loss.
Three years ago, India's meteorological service began issuing lightning forecasts.Flashes can now be tracked via mobile apps.
People are notified via radio, television, and volunteers with megaphones.Lightning India Resilient Campaign, a three-year-old effort, is working hard to raise awareness in lightning-prone villages and prevent casualties.