Achievement1 - Postingan perkenalan saya ke Steemit by @iroelsep05

in Newcomers' Communitylast year (edited)


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Perkenalkan nama saya Khairul Azmi dan usia saya 36 tahun.
Saya tinggal di negara Indonesia, tepatnya di Aceh, Kota Langsa.
Saat ini saya bekerja di bidang pemberdayaan masyarakat desa, Kementerian Pedesaan.
Saya lulusan Sarjana Pertanian.
Pengalaman saya di bidang Crypto yaitu saya pernah berkecimpung di Indodax dan Tokocrypto.
Hobi saya berkumpul dengan keluarga dan teman-teman.
Mungkin saya akan membuat postingan yang menurut saya menarik untuk dibaca. Mungkin tentang keseharian aktivitas saya dan juga hal lain yang menurut saya menarik untuk di share.
Dan yang pasti saya tidak suka menulis tentang politik dan keburukan orang.
Saya mengenal Steemit dari @waterjoe yang saat itu menjadi atasan saya di bagian pekerjaan saya di P3MD Kemendesa.
Saya sangat senang bisa bergabung di Steemit.
Sebagai informasi. saya juga punya akun media seperti Facebook, Twitter dan Instagram.
Facebook: Iroel Sep
Twitter: iroelsep
Instagram: iroel_sep05

Saya berharap bisa saling berbagi pengalaman dan informasi di forum ini. Dan bisa menambah teman baru.
Terimakasih. :)

Terimakasih juga atas saran dan masukannya bg @radjasalman

Let me introduce myself,
My name is Khairul Azmi and I am 36 years old.
I live in Indonesia, specifically in Aceh, Langsa City.
Currently I work in the field of village community empowerment, Ministry of Rural Affairs.
I graduated with a Bachelor of Agriculture.
My experience in the Crypto field is that I have been involved in Indodax and Tokocrypto.
My hobby is gathering with family and friends.
Maybe I will make a post that I think is interesting to read. Maybe about my daily activities and also other things that I think are interesting to share.
And I definitely don't like writing about politics and bad people.
I got to know Steemit from @waterjoe who at that time was my boss in my work section at P3MD Kemendesa.
I am very happy to be able to join Steemit.
For your information. I have social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Facebook: Iroel Sep
Twitter: iroelsep
Instagram: iroel_sep05

I hope to share experiences and information in this forum. And you can add new friends.
Thank You. :)

Thank you also for your suggestions and corrections Mr @radjasalman


Greetings, Thank you for doing the first achievement task. Please complete the information according to the following guidelines:

  1. Your name and age
  2. A country where you reside now
  3. Your area of work or your study
  4. Your experience with crypto
  5. Your hobby and passion, dislike
  6. What sort of posts written by others are you looking for
  7. What sort of posts do you think you'll be creating (these can change, so don't feel locked in.)
  8. How you found Steemit and what you hope to accomplish here.
  9. Attach your social media links
  10. Include a photo holding an unedited piece of paper with your handwritten account name, latest date, and country of origin

Thank You 🤗

 last year 

Udah saya edit bg @radjasalman post perkenalannya . Mohon arahannya bg.!

Mamtrap, slmat brgabung Ketua! 😁

 last year 

terimakasih ketua

 last year 

Selamat datang di platform Steemit, mari menulis dengan menjaga kualitas konten dengan baik :)

 last year 

Terimakasih Pak @waterjoe 🤝🙏

 last year 

Selamat datang di steemit pak, semoga kita bisa saling mensupport dan sukses sama-sama

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