Sincerely: Louis CK - This is some of the funniest standup I have ever seen
Louis CK got a raw deal if you ask me. The metoo movement latched onto him and tried to destroy his career over what was a very odd situation for sure, but the situation, if you believe Louis CK's side of the story, didn't warrant him getting completely dumped by the industry. Cancel culture at its apex if you ask me.
That being said, Louis was able to make a comedy special anyway and other than being in attendance the only way you could get it was by purchasing it on his own website for $8. There are of course other ways of getting it for free but I paid for it because I feel like the dude got shafted (pun intended) by the industry.

This was the first comedy special that he was involved in since the sexual misconduct allegations put forth against him in 2017. He had admitted to the allegations in the past and also does so during this special. Because of the sensitive subject matter and the potential legal ramifications about addressing it, he doesn't talk about it a great deal, but instead focuses on what it is that made us fall in love with his style of comedy in the first place.

As per usual with Louis, he uses no props and relies just upon his own sense of humor a microphone, and lots of sweat in order to get his hilarious message across. I don't know about you, but if I was famous, knew that I am a sweaty person, and had the ability to do something about that I would probably have some sort of portable air con unit on myself while I am on stage rather than end the show with massive pit stains and a noticeable glisten on my head.
That aside, I want to say that out of the dozens and dozens of stand up specials I have seen over the years, this is by far one of the best that I have ever seen. Other than perhaps Dave Chappelle, it might be the special that I have laughed out loud for real more than any other. I would be willing to bet that my neighbors could hear me and wondered what was so damn funny.
Unfortunately, there is no official trailer for this available on streaming services. I don't know if this is Louis CK's decision or if the industry isn't allowing him any sort of exposure. I would imagine that it is a combination of both and it is unfortunate that I can't show you many clips from it and this reaction video is the only one I can find and I am surprised that this hasn't been copystriked and removed. It might be by the time I get around to publishing this
All in all I really think that you should check this out and NO, this is not available on Netflix but a special with pedophile-esque sexualization of little girls is on there. I have been kind of falling out of love with Netflix lately not just because most of what they are releasing lately is garbage, but because of blatant hypocrisy situations like this.
Should I watch it?
Even if you are a big fan of the metoo movement (I'm not) I think you should see this anyway. He makes no excuses for his behavior in 2017 and only talks about it for a few minutes, the rest is his usual brand of hilarity that is just so unique to him and this special is definitely in my top 5 of all time.
You can buy it here and of course there are ways to acquire it for free but since I really think the guy got a raw deal I'm not going to explain how to accomplish that. I am sure most of you already know how to do that anyway :)