5 Things to Do If You Are Feeling Unworthful
Do you feel like you are worthless? Do you feel like no one really cares about you? Are you tired of feeling like you have been rejected and think that someone is not attracted to you because of it? If you think this way, then you are not alone.
Most people have felt like they are worthless at some point in their life. Maybe they felt they were less valuable than other people. Maybe they felt as if they did not measure up to other people or were unwanted. Or, perhaps they felt like they were unappealing. If you are feeling as if you are worthless, here are five things to do if you are feeling worthless.
First, you need to determine why you feel as if you are worthless. This is easier to do than you might think. There are many reasons why people might feel worthless. One reason might be because they have been told over again that they are not good enough. This is one of the reasons why people might feel like they are worthless.
Another reason why people might feel as if they are worthless is because they have been shamed into feeling this way. There are people who will tell a person that they are worthless. They might tell the person to "just find yourself a great boyfriend or girlfriend." Or, "find your true love and get married." These are all examples of people trying to manipulate the other person into feeling like they are worthless.
The third reason that it might be hard to feel worthless is because there are ways that you might try to convince yourself that you are worthless. For instance, there are people who will say things like "you are not special" or "your job is beneath you." This is a form of psychological manipulation. It goes along with the "if you feel bad, you are worthless" line. You can even be like this by yourself if you put your thoughts out in the open, which some people do.
Some people might even be afraid that they will be laughed at or thought of as stupid for feeling this way. This is especially true if you are feeling useless because you have low self-esteem. If you feel like you cannot do anything right, you might feel like people are laughing at you or thinking of you as stupid. Some people might not be able to help this kind of psychological malady because it is not usually in their genes.
One of the best ways that you can fight off feelings of being useless is to learn to love yourself. One of the most common problems that people who feel worthless have is a lack of self-love. So it is important to start loving and feeling valued just for yourself first. This is a great way to make yourself feel better. Just do it on a daily basis and you will begin to see more value in yourself.
So do not let yourself be taken advantage of by those who want to make you feel worthless. Instead, fight them off and start feeling good about yourself. This is the only way to get rid of those useless feelings.
Another of the ways to fight off feelings of being worthless is to spend some time with those who love and care about you. Find some friends who treat you like you are a real person. These people will really appreciate you for who you are. You might have negative feelings about your appearance, but it is not your fault and you do not have to accept this as the way that life is. Spend time with people who love you just as you are. They may even tell you that you are worthless and you need to correct this by changing your attitude.
One thing to remember if you feel worthless is to be thankful for all of the good things that you have in your life now. Even if you think that you are having a bad day, it is important to remind yourself that you are not worthless. Focus on the good things in your life and think about how great they are. Sometimes, when you are trying to build your self esteem, you have to force yourself to think positive thoughts. This may sound difficult but it is very possible. You must be persistent so that you can start to believe that you are worthless if you continue to see the bad in everything.
The last of the things to do if you are feeling worthless is to get out more and meet more people. It is hard to feel useless when there are people who love and care about you. When you are surrounded by people who love and support you, it helps to stay positive. You do not have to walk around like a droned sheep because you feel worthless. If you take steps to meet new people, you will begin to feel better about yourself.