8 Easy Morning Routines To Transform Your Life. Healthier, Wealthier, and Happier.
I myself are still at the point of implementing this program. Most of the steps are from helpful articles I read and condensed into this article. I resolved to start this program today. No pressure but I'll do it as I can.
You encounter this article not just by chance, it is created by your own desire which in every way is a form of your prayer to God. Your desire for the greater good and the need to contribute is a declaration of God's way to answer your prayers for the things that you already have.
Revolutionize your life for the better. You may wonder how simple and easy these steps are but a life of powerful grace is actually a life of rest and dependence. "Come to me you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." - Matt. 11:28.
What you need is consistent action as an expression of your faith and you will be amazed at the results as you look back to your life a year after.
I always say that success is every day, every day, every day! Making it is not one big action but a series of small things you do every day and make you ready for the big moments when sometimes life requires you to do that. So let us go dive in and check all the steps. Simplify our lives and start living it better.
Step 1: Say and meditate at least 1 minute of gratitude.
While some people might think of meditation along the lines of sitting in a dark room and clearing your mind, gratitude meditation can be practiced in many different settings. The Hebrew word "meditate" can literally mean muttering the words to yourself in a low volume.
A lot of scientific studies back this up so aside from attracting good things to happen in your life, here is some list of proven studies of the benefits of gratitude meditation.- Decreased levels of depression(Sirois, 2017: Gratitude Uniquely Predicts Lower Depression in Chronic Illness Populations)
- Higher levels of well-being (Nezlek, 2017: A daily diary study of relationships between feelings of gratitude and well-being)
- Trust in strangers (Drążkowski, 2017: Gratitude pays: Gratitude intervention influences monetary decisions, physiological responses, and emotional experiences during a trust-related social interaction)
- And even increased sleep quality (Jackowska, 2016: The impact of a brief gratitude intervention on subjective well-being, biology, and sleep)
There should be no constraint in doing this first step. So short, simple, and easy and the benefits are priceless!
Step 2: Drink At least 1 glass of water before taking your healthy breakfast.
The benefits of drinking water cannot be disputed. Drinking a glass of it at the first hour not only healthily rehydrates you after hours of sleep it also conditions your stomach for a breakfast you are about to take a few minutes from now.
Drinking water before eating makes you full that you tend to eat a little but meaningful meal. This is a great practice especially for those people who wants to manage their weight.
Step 3: Read at least 5 minutes of good content and think about it.
Feeding your spirit and soul is very important for your well being, that is why I recommend getting loads of stuff to feed your brain before taking a meal as a great practice to ensure your success.
It does not have to be heavy stuff but makes sure that you are feeding your soul with the right things. Bible verses or a daily read from publications like Daily Bread, or any material that promotes your positive environment throughout the day will do. (For me, I read at least 1 chapter of Proverbs and some daily emails sent to me from my subscribed favorite organizations or ministries).
Whatever your religion or set of belief systems it is very important to feed your brain with something positive daily so that your thought pattern will also come out positive for you. Good actions spring from good thoughts, bad actions are rooted in bad thoughts. Make sure then that you are planting good seeds in your thought pattern so you reap good fruits in your life.
Step 4: Eat your healthy breakfast.
You may already have heard this, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And that I can agree because it fuels your day and gets you going for the good stuff you are going to encounter today.
Make sure that you chew more but eat less, this helps your digestion and also makes it more enjoyable as you savor more the food you eat. Also, make sure that they are healthy, there are probably thousands of recommended healthy breakfast meals (just Google it) just find one that you find suited for you then enjoy.
Very important to note though that numerous studies show that no matter what is on your plate, most probably they are not really a complete meal to fully power your day. And with the nutrients in the soil decreasing due to over massive scale production of our crops, it would really be helpful that you get assistance with what is modern science is offering today. That is taking natural food supplements.
Taking your food supplement should be part of modern living especially if you aim yourself to get great results for your life. What you should be careful is in choosing what food supplements to take, as there are thousands available out there and you may easily get confused about what you really want to take.
Step 5: Visualize yourself getting your life's goal. ( 3 to 5 minutes )
This practice is common to high performing Olympians and if this works to high performing athletes it could really revolutionize your life too. Imagine and see yourself achieving your goals, feel it as it happens in your mind. Get all the details you can take and feel the joy, even the exact feelings you will have if you already got it.
Step 6: Exercise for at least 5 minutes.
The physical exercise I mention here is not necessarily strenuous, simple activities such as stretching, push-ups, brisk walking, or any easy routines most physical fitness experts may recommend. The more important thing is that as you are doing these steps you are also minding that you are taking care of yourself.
The psychology of taking care of yourself bringing you an inner feeling of your sense of value. as you appreciate and see yourself as important you would see your true potential and do amazing things with it. this is not the same as being of proud or being cocky but a sense of worth which is truly you are as you are made in the image of God.
And if you are a Christian you would realize how precious you are that even the Son of God died for you. Always be reminded of these things, you would accomplish great feats in your life.
Step 7: Take a bath or clean yourself daily.
It may sound amusing but there is a study that shows that on average, millionaires take showers more often than ordinary people. I do not, of course, suggest that this is the only factor you need to consider in earning money. What I am saying is that there are lots of contributing factors why being clean may encourage raising your income level.
As you do this, continue with the mindset that you are doing this to take care of yourself putting more value in your being and your importance that you deserve all these treatments and all the good things in your life that are about to come.
Step 8: Maintain a positive mindset throughout the day.
Make it your natural thermostat, if you feel some sort of negativity or your feeling discouraged, sad, cynical, etc., be alert and correct yourself. Be in tune with the positivity as you prepare yourself for the blessings you are about to receive today. Biblical practices, even encourage them to sing praise, hymns, uplifting music, and worship songs. Look how they have turned the world and empires upside down during those times.
This step is self-explanatory if you got something good going and in order to get consistent results, you should just continue doing it throughout the day. You should be living in a mood of an inspired life and of rest, trusting that God is for you and not against you.
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