Alternative media - missing link 2

in #missing-link7 years ago

This is a long article. I did'nt intend to, but I just get this energy from somewhere. One good way might be to read it in 5 parts:



English is not my mother-tongue, so please have some patience with my "not perfect language". I hope the content will interest you. I have thrown in a bit of humour sometimes, although I write about very serious stuff. Now and then I just have to enjoy myself! I


It was a hard nut to crack, the one that Arthur Janov cracked: First that early lack of love results in (often) lifelong pain and further: Most people have the capacity to get this pain out of the system through Primal Therapy. Side by side with the invention of Primal Therapy and Primal theory, Janov researched, wrote books and speculated about things no one before even thought of: For example that the onset of certain hormones (there is an inbuilt genetic "body-clock" for that in us) can be effected by lack of love, lack of body contact and so much more. Epigenetics was a passion of Janov during some of his last years. Further research needs to be done but there are indications of that Primal Therapy might impact the length of our telomers and thereby how long we live. In any case, to invent and find out about all these things takes a true genius, his intelligence and charisma was fantastic.

I also think his insightful writings about the importance of women taking extremely good care during pregnancy, improved birth methods, the importance of body contact, especially the first month, was very important. By the way, friendly bodycontact is important all the way to death. Not at all that desperate in adulthood, but still! I wrote more about Janov a few days ago, here on Steemit, in case someone wants to go back.. All the neccesary information about Primal Therapy is on the Janov Primal Center website.

I have no financial interest Primal Therapy and I'm not in Steemit for money ( I earned 0 dollars so far and that's OK). So there is absolutely no hidden agenda behind. I just want people in big or not so big pain to get a chance to continue with life/get rid of a lot of unneccesary pain and I think this type of social media (Steemit) is here to stay. It sort of promotes good stuff..

Let me continue with some affortunate consequences of early trauma/lack of early "love". People might feel mistreated by others, although the real thing is that what they feel is (largely) might be an unconscious baby/childhood need/feeling of care and love, pushing on. That certainly can make people feel miserable. Then, there is a good chance that they will put at least some of the blame (for feeling misrable) on individuals in their present life, or on groups of people. The real reason for the misery might (for ex.) be sexual abuse from a father or a cold distant mother.

Anger (often strong anger) is a feeling that almost always lies over the pain ( is also a part of the pain, but crying and sadness usually lies under). This anger might come up (for ex.) when people have to wait in lines or when they really are mistreated. Rejection and following anger can be projected in all kinds of directions. For ex. towards blacks , women, men, muslims, jews or white people. Others might not project anger but instead become depressed. Affortunately adulthood love does not cure or take away this sort of deep sitting pains. It is probably "early pains" of some sort.

Early babyhood pain makes people act strange. There is a woman, let's call her ms x, active in youtube and alternative media, sort of libretarian, free sole type of person. A lot of things she says sounds very reasonable in terms of freedom, respect for others etc. In fact I agree about most of what she says. But when it comes to relations to men, her neurosis (her early pain) is crystal clear to me:

She gives advise to other women and the main message is "marry when you are young so that you get a rich attractive man", "marry quick because you get uglier when you are older and men have more money than woman when they get older". She explain all the why-s, talks about statistics pointing out that married couples with children are happier than not married women. Of course most people marry with people in approximately the same age and not very late in life. That's just natural! However, some do'nt and there are reasons for it.

I suspect that ms x hope that her beauty, young age and being a mother will give her a happy life. That's a falshe hope.

Although a nice rich husband and sweet kids can be great to have, marriage or having children do not take away repressed childhood pains. Not more than it takes away tooth-ace. It is an illusion, but an illusion that is a bit difficult to see through for SOME young people.

Sometimes older people know better and more, frustrating as it might be (just as it is the other ay sometimes). To the benefit of young people. Some people also live after the principle that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Well, there is: This is for free, I don't want anything from any reader. I just like to share some stuff I feel might be very important for some peoples lives.


Almost completely missing in ms x, is the understanding of that human beings (men and women) are DIFFERENT, they feel different: For example some people do not feel that it is abolutely neccesary to have children, some people do'nt see a big problemin getting a nice loving partner (there are lots of nice people out there, also available people). If a person, since early childhood is used to have trust and love around, it will be a normal thing to get love and friends.

Many, many people see it as much more important to have a dear friend with a few wrinkles that he or she enjoys to spend a lot of time with, compared to a 20 years younger person with nicer skin but with quite little in common. Others find it absolutely perfect to have a partner who is 10 or 15 years younger or older. People just do different things in life. THERE IS NO LIFESTYLE RECEPY FOR HAPPINESS!


I think ms X mixes up sexuality with love: She does not quite get that many men really have strong human feelings aside from the sexual ones (not ignoring the importance of good sex). Most people want sex with a person they really care about and have a strong bond with. It seems as ms X mix up sex with love. Maybe because she got to little of love in early age and became "attracted to" good looking but emotionally empty men? Thats what often happens when a young girl have very distant cold father.


Jane Fonda, the fantastic actress, just said that (male) sexual attacking or harrasment (a big thing right now in media) are EVERYWHERE in society. That's a typical example of what early pain (lack of love) results in: Some woman find their main defense in blaming men in general terms, you have heard it before: "They are all pigs", "they all just think about sex and look at us as just vaginas", "almost all men are ruthless", etc.. No Jane Fonda, sexual attacking and harrasment by men towards woman are NOT everywhere in society. Millions of men take pride in treating woman with great respect. For such men, it is disrespectful and disturbing to be blamed for being offenders, while in reality being very respectful. It goes the other way too: Men generalizing about women as being unpredictable, whores, being emotional blackmailers etc..


People who had the luck having a mother being very careful during pregnancy, who had a good, painless birth, lots of bodycontact, time, care and early love, will have much better chances to get a fullfilling and longer life. There are lots of studies out there ( I will not give references, it is easily available on internet). He or she will have good access to feelings, a hormonsysteme in balance and generally better health. It is not about living after some sort of doctrine or lifestyle, whether it is having many children in early age or being a "leftwinger" or a "rightwinger" or into "Austrian economics". I wrote about this before and called it the missing link in alternative media. It really is.


Hitler is the most well known example of a psychopathic leader, who stirred up tensions, directed towards a certain group of people, "the jews". To generalize about the evilness of certain groups of people (men, woman, white males, black people, muslims, rightwingers, leftwingers, communists, anarchists, africans etc.) is obviously to evoke tensions between people.

Propaganda media are almost always used by rulers in order to remain in power. Sometimes they use the divide and rule tactic: Stirring up hatred between groups, in order to justify more taxes for police and military, in the name of security. At the same time "hatred" of a certain group of people can be a neurotic defense towards pain of not being loved (some people might often feel like they have to "make sense" of their bad mood and anger, by blaming someone, usually people from another "group". Such hatred or anger (see Antifa or Ku Klux Klan) has obviously it's own life, but can be used by manipulating rulers. In order to stirr up strong anger witin groups, falshe propaganda and lies about a group of people can be used. Like when Hitler blamed Jews for everything bad under the sun.

(could also be called "the war against love, respect for human lives and truth")

Machiavelli, the Venetian politician was well aware of how a ruler or a king could use "stirring up hatred between groups" in order to increase the rulers power. Of course falshe propaganda has to be used, as the truth almost always is that - in larger groups of people - that there are both very decent and quite unpleasant people. The rulers PR-methods could be a combination of lies, falshe flag attacks and unspecific accusations about crimes from another group (like proofe of chemical weapons in Hussein Irak).

Once violence and big tensions are evoked, it is easy for the rulers to justify increased budgets for military, police, secret service, intelligence agencies etc. Always in the name of security for "common people". Next step is starting wars or overthrowing governments, where might is right (see NATO/CIA/USA).

Increased government budgets are also economically good for politician in general, as they decide exactly how government money will be spent. Usually it is used to benefit not only military, secret secvice and police but also salaries for politicians or other types of money or increased privilges.

I dont want to be overly cynical, but that is what governments usually do, at least over time, when corruption is widespread: They increase their power and steal more and more money , work and time from their populations. Through laws, taxes, regulations, surveillance, inflation (printing money, letting the bankers inflate the currency), through the Fractional lending bankingsystem a fraud in its own rights, unfair advantages for large companies and just right-out stealing tax-money in all kinds of sophisticated ways. It is time for adults to be adults about governments, world wide. Psychopaths are drawn to power and money in governments, decent people are usually not at all interested in that - it is mostly about living as parasites, living and deciding over other peoples lives. Politicians are generally crooks, simple as that. Still small scale governments like the Swiss, (Direct Democracy) will probably be neccesary for some time. But let call them protectorates, thereby underscoring that they are there to protect peoples rights. And lets control them and lets keep them vry small and let us pay as much as to the police, nurses, teachers and firemen. Not a cent more and no extra privileges. Lets ignore their pathetic lies.

Ed Bernays tought the world about cynical propaganda (frequently used by Nazi PR-master Göbbels).
Fooling populations, ruling people over their heads, using their emotions in the most cynical way possible, inorder to help politicians to control the masses, that was the core of Ed Bernays PR-fantasies. The US Shadow government was basically formed with the start-up of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in New York (later also in Washington) 1921. Bernays and the Dulles brothers were among the key people, together with the Rockefellers. Bernays ideas about fooling the population through newspaper and later radio and TV propaganda was from the initiation of CFR (started with the outspoken purpose of forming a US dominated World Government) used by the dominating bankers, robberbarons, lawyers (Dulles brothers for ex.) and politicians. When CIA was formed 1947 the Washington Post already functioned as as PR-machinery for the US Establishment. In Operation Mockingbird in the 1950s, CIA bought and payed for as much as 4-600 Journalists: An almost unbelievable criminality. The US population have been so unbelievably fooled for such a long time that there are not really words for it. The main ministries of propaganda - under CIA-rule have been Washington Post, New York Times, the main TV-channels and much of Hollywood. All of it more or less controlled by the megarich bankers, warindustry-owners and "swamp-creatures" in Langley and Washington/New York. Talk about democracy or a fair system is a joke!

PART 3: THE US SHADOW GOVERNMENT, DEEP STATE AND US WORLD HEGEMONY This is probably the most depressing part! Take a deep breath:


Well, first of all, they own the worlds dollar printing machine the US Federal Reserve and they can print as much as they want and give it to themselves or to CIA if they want to. Further, wars, the speciality of the US Shadow government (nowadays mostly through CIA or NATO) are almost always about stealing oil, gas, pipelines, gold, water-resources, taking control over major companies, centralbanks (Libya/Irak), etc..

Another form of criminal power-tactics is falshe flag attacks (murdering their own people, blaming the "enemy" as justifcation for war. Secret lawless "security-agencies" .like CIA, MI6, Mossad etc. might be the worst mafia-organizatios on earth, contrary to what we are brainwashed to believe.

Common people pay for the wars through taxes and die in the wars - on both sides. Not the 0.00001 %. They are busy collecting the enormous amounts of money that are spent on weapons on both sides of wars. Further they get the government contracts (centralbanks printing money, giving it to the big banks for ca 0 % interest) when the build up of the countries starts. Of course the megabank-owners, usually being the controllers of the centralbanks and the owners of the Military-industrial complex become fabously rich!

Psychopaths are drawn to the money and power in governments, secret agencies, large banks and mega corporations like sharks to blood. Reality is that a very powerful part of the main powerbrokers in the worlds most powerful country (USA) are psychopaths. A more dangerous sort of psychopaths is difficult to imagine! Psychopaths are tragedies for themselves, their families and for their surroundings. I wish they get amnesty, lots of money - but that common people, all over the world will become protected from them!

Today the US Shadow Government-Deep State (for ex. leading factions in CIA, CFR, NSA, FBI, Pentagon, US State Department and some neocons in the government) does everything possible in order to stir up conflicts in the Middle-East, towards Russia, China, North-Korea. It is about US/Wall Street world hegemoni and at the same time justifying gigantic budgets for the military-security complex. They work independent from Donald Trump and does everything possible to undermine him. Trumps powerbase is the part of the powerful Israel-lobby (Kushner being a key-figure) that do'nt want a world government and supports real boarders for the USA and more limited immigration. Remember, muslims and jews have traditions of not teamworking very well.

The CIA insider Kevin Shipp describes (see youtube) in great detail how the Shadow US Government rule over and partly together with the Deep State - on youtube. The US Shadow government/Deep State of today bought, bribed, stole and overthrowed everything possible on earth since 1945 via the dollar as the worlds reserve currency and the military might/CIA as main weapons. The Washington Post and the New York Times are according to Shipp, essential propaganda parts of the US Shadow Government. The almost unbelievable demonization campaign against Trump they led for a long time just underscores their role as CIA/Shadow Government/Deep State Ministries of Propaganda.

These psychopaths "need" (a psychopatic control/power-"need") Russia as enemy! Russia, its Russia, Russia, Trump horrible, Russia, Russia, Trump is a Putin agent and on and on. It is truly institutionalized psychosis. Has nothing to do with reality. One of their working principles is might is right. But the Russian and Chinese leaders do not just follow orders, in contrast to the european puppet states. The future will tell ...

"Government or CIA secrecy" is another major weapon against the common people, against the truth and for slavery. Secrecy means hiding and in the case of the Federal Reserve and CIA it is a matter of epic, historic, never before seen crime-levels. The entire world have suffered from their crimes for 70 years with countless deaths as a result. This US Shadow Government/Deep State government is, according to Paul Craig Roberts ( a high level government insider, Ronald Reagans economic adviser in the early 1980-s and former boss for The Wall Street Journal) the most criminal and dangerous government in world history. Paul Craig Roberts recently recommended a book called "CIA as organized Crime". I am eager to read it. The secret lawless "security-agencies" are certainly among the most criminal and powerful entities in history. Before bashing Roberts for being extreme, one should look in detail at the constant US wars (see documentation by Noam Chomsky!) since 1945 and the CIA led overthrowing of dousins of countries (see John Perkins "Economic Hitman"!).

David Rockefeller, a key person in this epic criminal process, even admitted this in a Bilderberg meeting in the early 1990s (look it up in internet). A bunch of bankers and robberbaron decided they wanted o world government where they rule. Their arrogance was at the same time stupidity. The truth is out there and can never be covered up, no matter how much CIA, FBI, Washington Post, CNN, New York Times, Obama, the Bushes, the Clinton tries.

The election of Donald Trump, showed us that the US population finally had understood something. So some things that speaks against the continuation of US Shadow Government/CIA/Federal Reserve/FBI/US DEEP State-rule in the western world, is that they are relatively few, Donald Trump, alternative media and that the majority of the "fly-over" USA population is against them. Further, as the truth is out, there are good chances that some of the most powerful psychopaths within the Shadow Government/Deep State (mainly CIA, NSA; CFR, US State Department, Pentagon, Washington Post, Wall Street, Federal Reserve and so called neocons) will be overthrown by sain collegues.

Hopefully in a peaceful way and that they get lots of money and that we never ever get a catastrophical criminal orginazation running the most powerful country on earth. Much of this work has to be done within the USA. From the outside it will (best case scenario) take decades to influence anything of major omportance: War is the US Shadow Government speciality, thats what they thrive from. Truth and Peace are their worst enemies.



I am very disappointed of Trump going along with the Israel-lobby, threathning Iran, accepting the Deep State warmongering noises and actions towards North-Korea, China and Russia. Ron Paul is right, Trump is wrong. But in contrast to Ron Paul, Trump have a powerbase witin the powerful Israel-lobby (dominant on Wall Street) and he stopped the catastrophy Hillary Clinton. With Hillary Clinton and no Brexit, it is very possible we would already have an almost IRREVERSIBLE dictatorial 1984-Orwell style Western World Government (Clinton/US Deep State, EU-commission, TTP, TTIP, IMF, BIS, Wall Street, Federal Reserve, NATO).

In my view, Trump did a lot of good so far, even though his attack in Syria was a crime. Trump has the CIA/shadow govern- ment/ deep state CIA/FBI/the Mainstream Propaganda-media and much of the US State-administration against him. It is a big thing to challagnge this establishment although many people from within seems to think it's gone too far with criminality. To Trumps defense it should also be mentioned that powerful parts of the Shadow Government still rule a lot, regardless from from Trump want.

I might be wrong about this, but I still see a possibility of the Trump presidency bringing back some more power to the people (better jobs for ex.)?! Time will tell.. If that does not happen, I fear we will have much of a world to worry or care about. Let's hope it can be a peaceful revolution like in the Soviet Union.

Bitcoin alone will not solve the power balance in the world although it has fantastic potential as non-fraud money in the hands of individual people.


If that does'nt happen, I fear we will not have much of a world to worry or care about. Lets hope it can be a peaceful revolution like in the Soviet Union.

The icehockey legends Kasatonov and Fetisov were on different sides when the Soviet Union fell into peaces. Kasatonov felt like it was useless to fight the system, Fetisov felt the opposite. Today, believe it or not, they are friends and play oldboy-ichockey together with Putin!

In the end the Soviet system collapsed in a peaceful way because 95 % of the population knew it was a corrupt inhuman system. Also "good people" (=most) were caught in a largely ruthless, not functioning society.


That's where the USA is today. But let me end this wizh some positive news after all this depressing reading:
USA is not all bad although they might have a more brainwashed population than North-Korea, certainly much more than the population of Cuba. After all Arthur Janov came from Los Angeles! I think it is as I felt when I lived in Hollywood, for one year, partying in gardens and being at the Santa Monica beach a lot of the time: The USA has some of the best and some of the worst of just about everything! Lets just hope for the best in the future!
Remember: Loved boys will not become psychopaths and they will not go to war. Whether they are Chinese, US-americans or Russians. Babies and children who gets good care, bodycontact and lots of time, attention and love during the first 2-3 years will instead become decent peaceful people, to no use for Shadow governments wanting to enslave,steal and bomb their way to world hegemoni . There are hundreds of academic studies supporting that (yes there are people with integrity within some universities, psychopatic rulers are not in charge of everything!).

By the way, be very careful when it comes to vaccines for your babies and children! Liten to what Robert Kennedy Jr have to say about it! Also: have patience with my not perfect English . I still hope you can enjoy the content.

Take good care and a big hugh from your Blueseal


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