silver lining in a dark cloud
the scandal involving cambridge analytica and facebook was a dark cloud that hung over the social media giant and its third party apps, many facebook users was shock to learn that their data was mined and sold by CA to interested buyers brought some users to delete their facebook account some even went to the extent of launching a campaign to delete facebook accounts with #deletefacebook. this may sound justifiable due to breach of trust by facebook, but in the Philippines its not the breach of trust or the mining of data that pushes them to delete their facebook accounts and migrate to other social media platforms, its the decision of facebook to hire rappler and verafiles to fact check every news posted on facebook. due to rampant spread of fake news in facebook and some people defending it to the point of threathening others who question the veracity of the posts pushes facebook to hire the 2 organization to fact check every news posted in facebook in the Philippines, some even campaigned to create an account on vk. the dark cloud created by CA and facebook has a silver lining on it :)