The Vanishing Middle Class... neh. The Covertly Destroyed Middle Class
The Middle Class
What a fascinating concept.
The economy is doing GREAT! The stock market is UP! GDP is STRONG!
Inflation is low! Unemployment is low!
That is what the main stream media is saying.
But everyone knows it is a farce.
Everyone can see things crumbling around them.
But, everyone can't see what's wrong. There is just a feeling that not all is right.
So, what is wrong?
Its the middle class.
The middle class is being destroyed.
And not from one front, but every front.
The entire system we find ourselves in is anti-middle class.
- The banking system is designed to rob the middle class of their homes
- The financial system is designed to rob the middle class of their wealth
- The tax system is designed to rob the middle class of the their income.
- The property tax is designed to rob the middle class of their equity.
- The licensing boards are designed to rob the middle class of their rights.
And T.H.E.Y. (you know,... them) have specifically made it so.

The banking system is designed to take people's homes.
Lets say that you worked all your life to create a home, and then pass it on to the next generation. Well, with that accumulation of wealth will see everyone being very wealthy indeed. T.H.E.Y. can't have that! So, the banking system was designed to take people's homes.
When you have debt based money, money that is created from debt, there is NEVER enough money to pay for the debt, so the slowest person in the race, loses their house. Foreclosures are not happenstance, they are designed.

Savers are the biggest losers.
It used to be that savings is what everyone did, so they had a cushion, and slowly built up capital.
Built up capital!!! Those sheeple can't be allowed to do that!
So, along came negative real interest rates.
The amount of interest you get from a savings account is always less than inflation. (by design)
Thus, if you leave your money in the bank, it slowly disappears.

The tax system was designed to reduce the middle class' income.
Tax does not pay for govern-cement, that money comes directly from the FED.
The IRS was built (at the same time as the FED) to drain the middle class of their income.
If you haven't noticed, the highest rates paid on income, is straight trading your time for money.
All forms of passive income are taxed much lower.
Tax the rich! Well, the "rich" as defined by the FED are dual professional income families. The 1% that is making about $200,000/yr. They also pay about 50% of the taxes. Of all of the taxes. That 1%, that aren't even millionaires.
So, T.H.E.Y. tax middle class the most to get rid of them.

Property tax is the most insidious tax in our time. Taxing someone over the privilege of having a place to sleep.
Most people only use their houses as a place to sleep, spending almost all of their waking hours working or driving to work. So, the property tax is a tax on having a place to sleep, since the land really isn't used for anything else.
Further, if you look at any gains on property value, well, it is all taken away by property taxes.
Your property went from $10,000 to $100,000? Chances are you paid $90,000 in property taxes over that time.
So, all of your gains are taken away so that you are left with nothing.

Now, the most insidious thing; licensing.
The act of a govern-cement taking a right from the people and selling it back as a privilege.
And the very thing that govern-cements license are those things that middle class people do. If it makes decent money, then there is a licensing board for that thing.
Construction, insurance sales, massage... anything that brings in money, T.H.E.Y. want to regulate and control it.
And, that might be fine, if they actually regulated it. But, every time i went to see such licensers, i knew far more than anyone in the building. Most were barely out of college, with no experience to even tell if i knew something or was just bullshitting them. And worse, they all have "tests". To prove you are knowledgeable, you need to take the test.
I knew electricians who could wire things perfectly while blindfolded. But, they also didn't read. So, they would fail any tests, although their skill should set the bar for any entering the field.
So, licenses are only about control and money collection. To keep people from freely entering a field where they could make something of themselves. Creating a barrier to entry so that the next generation would be poorer.

T.H.E.Y. want the middle class destroyed.
And all of the systems we have surrounding us are designed to do that.

This is really sad. The system gets worse over time. Wonder what the collapse will look like...
It will not look like anyone expects.
Unless you are expecting the spanish inquisition.
I tried to describe part of it in yesterday's post.
Not expecting the spanish inquistion :D
Yep, the middle classs is consistently getting owned. Along with all the taxing stucture things like Obama care negatively impactwed the middle class amongst the dozens of other examples. Haves and have nots is all it will be soon enough.
Laws do not apply to the old-money rich.
Laws can't be applied to the poor.
Thus, all the laws are against the middle class.
I am hoping that something different will happen... something like, everyone becomes a farmer, and since we have all this tech, each person has to work like 10 hours a week for their basic sustenance.
Yup the writing is on the wall, but most have been sleeping - but the strippingof wealth- in the final stages- tends to be too painful to maintain the zombie state.
The Achilles heel of the middle class..the more affluent, the more selfish, the easier divided...
They can't afford to have the masses all poor - and educated.
Widespread poverty finds selflessness (a necessary survival tool), and they don't want that.
Not if they aren't ' the cause' that is (WW1... WW2... et al)
"... please leave me alone in my house... But i'm not going to leave you alone. I want you to get mad..."
Many of the “middle class” people I know believe and behave like they are upper middle and overextend themselves in order to compete with their peers. The level of entitlement matches the amount of credit many of them have access to and the banks are very happy to take advantage of that.
I think one of the contributing factors is that the middle class end up spending the money before it actually comes in and are just broke at a higher level.
Having not safety net and being over leveraged in a time of instability means the ill prepared middle class can easily be disappeared down to lower class.
Great points!
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It was like this back when all the corporations were send the jobs overseas.
The banks offered the corps sweet loans to move their plants.
Then! the banks offered those workers (who would soon be out of work) mortgages and credit cards.
It is too easy to get into debt... especially when you think the economy (and your job) will just keep on going as it is.
So very much true.
Posted using Partiko Android
R.I.P. Middle Class.
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