탐색: 메타커런시 프로젝트를 찾아서 3 - Ceptr Revelation 읽기
의사 전달보다는 메타커런시 프로젝트(MetaCurrency Project)의 개념과 역사에 대해 탐색해 가면서 아울러 현재와 미래에 걸쳐 동반 탐색자의 출현을 기대하는 공개적인 탐구용 게시물.
This is not for communication that has someone to address in mind, but for a personal exploration to learn about something related to the ideas of the MetaCurrency Project and its history, having some hope to find, from the present into the future, some people interested (esp. in Korea) though.
- 직전 탐색: 탐색: 메타커런시 프로젝트를 찾아서 (2)
- 추적 문서의 위치: The MetaCurrency Project(Ceptr) > Ceptr Revelation
※ 아래 텍스트 필사본에서 이탤릭은 읽는 이 사람의 강조임. 관심자들께선 위 원문을 보셈(All the italics are of my own, it'll be better for anyone interested to go directly into the original marked above).
※ 일부에 대한 발췌 번역: "자연의 패턴과 컴퓨팅 아키텍처"
How was Ceptr Designed?
Ceptr emerged from years of work that was rooted in just a few core commitments:
- Learn from Nature
- Make it "Unenclosable"
- Foster Coherence and Follow Convergence
Learn from Nature (physics, biology & consciousness)
Examples of how things work together at a large scale surround us. We don't worry about whether an atom can interact with any other atom in the universe, or how far light can travel. The world around us contains many layers of protocols (gravitic, electromagnetic, subatomic, atomic, molecular, organic, cellular, neural, hormonal, mechanical, organismic, ecosystemic, etc.) which provide powerful models for how to build universal protocol stacks. Patterns of collective intelligence of the cells in our bodies embody key principles for decentralized rules and holographic data storage. Fractal patterns of trees, leaves, and circulatory systems offer us lessons about distribution and routing.
What if fundamental patterns provided by nature could form the foundation of a computing architecture? It turns out, that when we follow some basic principles derived from nature, things which previously looked like an explosion of unmanageable complexity are a pretty manageable variety of compositions.
For example, one of these natural patterns is the fact that there is no “CEO cell” in an organism that controls the activities of all the other cells. Rather, there are a variety of signaling systems that all the cells use to coordinate with each other. Every cell carries a copy of the agreements for working together (in DNA) and checks their own copy for instructions. This provides a model for distributed computing and for coordinating extremely complex groups without centralized control, power imbalances, or central points of failure.
Another example is how meaning is transmitted in the world. There is a pattern which seems to hold true whether at the level of subatomic particles “communicating” with each other, or cells, or natural organisms, or humans. Whether in writing or speaking. Whether analog or digital. In every case, a CARRIER for communication is transformed to embody variations according to a PROTOCOL. The particular variants embodied on the carrier are the SIGNAL (or data). And there may be a SEQUENCE of these kinds of signals in succession.
You are seeing letters on a page (or screen) that you're reading right now by virtue of your ability to receive the CARRIER of light and an ability to differentiate variations of lightness, darkness or color. The letters themselves are shaped in accord with a PROTOCOL for latin-based characters. This particular document, as an assemblage of these characters, is the SIGNAL. The fact that you're reading them left-to-right in succeeding lines down the page governs the SEQUENCE.
This may seem kind of obvious. This pattern holds true for electromagnetic fields at the subatomic level, hormonal/chemical commuications between cells, auditory and visual communication betwen organisms, TCP/IP packets on the Interent, device drivers your computer uses to talk to every device and subsystem. If you understand these elements of every communication protocol, it creates the foundation for building a self-describing protocol stack.
In much the same way that XML enables people to share self-describing data, this provides the means for a whole new computing and communications stack which is optimized for flexibility, adaptability and rapid evolution. Having a native framework to specify protocols makes interfacing with any existing protocol quite straightforward. It also makes it very easy to build new protocols for any specialized type of communications or information representation format that may be needed.
In every section below that describes some of what Ceptr is, there will be examples of the natural principles that form the basis of our architecture, and details about how they actually work.
Ceptr has the potential to be a quantum leap in our approach to computing and with it our ability to coordinate and communicate more effectively with each other. It may make whole new kinds of hardware, software and network possible. We are working to make sure it interfaces easily with existing computing and networking models, but is not constrained by them.
Make it “Unenclosable” (Open and Peered)
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