Who Bears the Mark of the Beast? How to identify them, steer clear from their agenda of trying to force it on you and how Not to back down as Tom Petty and Johnny Cash tried to show people!

in #markofthebeast4 years ago (edited)

Here is a Great Video share from Guardian/Warrior Demetrius M. Davis for this video

Sure sounds like Crow and Jason. I believe a few people have covered this over the years in various ways.

For deeper study, Crow had Howard Mackoski on this episode of how to fare at the World's Fair

And here is an episode from Howdie's channel titled
Chicago Columbia Exposition 1893- Was it built, or was it an ancient city repaired?

No matter who covers it. ..All Kinds of Revealing!
Can't wait until they release their Hidden Tech, but as always we have to proceed with caution and try to unearth Who is behind what and What their motivation is!

What seems telling is when the Cabal/Controllers try to bury and hide those with advances that could benefit the people, but the controllers want to profit on it or Their ways and maintain control! Just as they attempted to with these key people in history!



One of the latest posts on FB
Those who Bear the Mark of the system of today's culture and False symbol of control continue to attempt to control the Sons and Daughters of God.

We don't try to Force them, we give out the messages of TRUTH as God and the High Command have instructed us. If they choose Not to acknowledge and turn a deaf ear and blind eye. . . That is on them!

2 Corinthians 4:4
“In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”

2 Thessalonians 2:11
“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:”

John 12:40
“He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.”

Those who don't Know us and don't belong because they choose hate. . .have ramped up their animosity!

They want to take on the Sons and Daughters of God. ..That's on Them! Their Knee will bow just like Everyone else.

Our side has been peaceful as their side has rioted and destroyed then Attempted to blame the side of Good.

These are classed as agent provocateurs.
n. A person employed to associate with suspected individuals or groups with the purpose of inciting them to commit acts that will make them liable to punishment.
n. A person who secretly disrupts a group's activities from within the group; an instigator, troublemaker.
n. a secret agent who incites suspected persons to commit illegal acts

We SEE you for who you are and your False Virtue Signaling because our Leader told us we would know you by your fruits and lack thereof.

I will use my Sword to show precisely what God has been revealing and just Watch these Numbers!
What the deceived despise about it. ..it is a Discerner of the thoughts and intent of the heart.
Those who have something to hide Don't want transparency. The Dark will be turned to Light in God's timing in spite of their attempts to hide Truth!

Romans 16:18
For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

Mark 7:6
6 He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with [their] lips, but their heart is far from me.

Now Watch
Mark 7:9
9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.

All actions are part of the Mark you Bear as stated by Dr. Kynan Bridges.

He speaks very clearly about what God has been revealing to His Sons and Daughters.

The Mark of the Beast isn't just one specific Mark or injection or deception (yes, one should steer clear of those) it is however; a conglomerate of

  • actions
  • programming
  • hive mind think
  • corporate owned media spew and spin
  • Shutting one side out and only furthering one side
  • Buying hook line and sinker into an agenda (part of the Beast system)
  • Being hostile and angry to those who won't Heel to your way of control
  • Those who do not Bear the Mark of the Creator. ..staying in His image entails. ..
  • No altered DNA that has tried to be Forced
  • no chipping
  • no Luciferase
  • no Quantum dot technology
  • no WO2020060606 patented by Microsoft March 26, 2020
  • no allowing those without a Voice to be used for the Beast System's experimentation.

2 Timothy 4:3 - For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

We have been watching much of what is going on under the Guise of "health" just as it was used at numerous times in History as In The Name of Public Health a Na^i racial Hygiene written by a Dr. to grip control over the populace. ..so is the way of the Beast System today.

Note Eugenics which Ga*es father was involved in was first called

  • American Eugenics Society
    They had Fitter Fairs throughout the US and world which featured Charles Darwin's philosophy and greatly discriminated against those without a voice and those less privileged.
    Yet it is this Very Group indoctrinated and following these globalists Today who claim to be against discrimination!

  • Name change to Society for the Study of Social Biology

  • Prior to that Name Change to The Society for Biodemography and Social Biology

Why is a certain side sold out to the agenda and hive mind for this?

Note the lyrics. . .
Knee deep in the hoopla
Sinking in your fight
Too many runaways
Eating up the night

Who out there are Clearly Marked by being knee deep in the hoopla?

Yet they outright Refuse to acknowledge the most innocent of our population being preyed upon and sacrificed up in the Name of Public Health.

Why do you suppose that is? Why are they following a System rather than the God who Created them in His image?

Why have they chosen Against the Light bearers?
What Mark do they Bear?

Luke 3:17
Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and will gather the wheat into his garner; but the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable.

That is a 3 and a 17!
What is 17 to anons/Guardians?
What is 17x3?

Now check out Someone always playing
Corporation games
Who cares they're always changing
Corporation names
We just want to dance here
Someone stole the stage
They call us irresponsible
Write us off the page

What are the Biggest industries today?
Long term care
Big Pharma

Proverbs 31:8
Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.

Who counts the money
Underneath the bar

Does it benefit them to come under all sorts of names and name changes?
What is Lost in Translation?

Who on the side of good perished at those "capitol riots" filled with evidenced agent provocateurs?
What about the veteran who perished at their hands?
Did you check to see how the other deaths were related one to a heart attack not induced by anyone else.

Kevin Greeson The 55-year-old had a heart attack 'in the excitement', his family confirmed.

A veteran shot by Capitol police.
Babbitt, 35, of San Diego, was jumping through a window into the Capitol with pro-Trump rioters when she was shot.

Who is the mayor and in charge of the police in D.C? What's in a Name?
This is just Interesting is all and as all anons/Guardians Know. ..there are No Coincidences!

Bowser, or King Koopa, is the main antagonist character of Nintendo's Mario franchise. In Japan, the character bears the title of Daimaō. In the United States, the character was first referred to as "Bowser, King of the Koopas" and "the sorcerer king"
Why weren't the police shooting the others? Why Only her? Just questions to ponder rather than feeding into the Corporate owned media and what the Tell a Vision Box Programming wants you to think.

Now how about in those lyrics. ..
Marconi plays the mamba
Listen to the radio, don't you remember?

Do you Know Who Marconi was?
Guglielmo Marconi
inventor and electrical engineer, known for his pioneering work on long-distance radio transmission

1909 Nobel Prize in Physics with Karl Ferdinand Braun "in recognition of their contributions to the development of wireless telegraphy."

Braun a German electrical engineer, inventor, physicist.

Braun contributed significantly to the development of radio and television technology.

What does the Prince and Power of the air use to Program?

Ephesians 2:2
“Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:”

That is a 22 what is 11X2?
Now what is the fallen's number for destruction and travail?

How Will God's Sons and Daughters Trump it?

Do you live in a world where Physics are at play?
Is it a Supernatural Realm after all?
If there are Spells cast by those on the side of evil,
can those spells be countered by those on the side of Good?

Who was John Trump?
Who was NiKola Tesla?
Who was John Keely?
Who was John Searl?
Who was Charles Dellschau?
Who was Boyd Bushman?
Who was John Jacob Aster?

What is Quantum Antigravity?
What is Quantum Computing?
What is the Quantum Financial System?

Is there Hidden Technology Also on the side of Good that Will come into play to save the day?

Guess where we are on the time continuum?

Here is a John that will also fight against them and weaken the power of Their 13 controlling families as this encodes 13.

12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

The True Sons and Daughters of God resonate with this. We are after all in an Electric World full of frequencies!

Now who out there has reached the Higher State?
You know who.
You can clearly identify them from the deceived.

The Sons and Daughters have a message for those who continue to try to silence us further than their Beast System already has. . .We will continue Silent Running In Spite of the unfair, unjust, blatantly one sided censorship. ..
We Won't Back Down!
We Will Stand our Ground No Matter What you Do to Us!

For there is One more powerful than your prideful arrogance and rebellion to our God!

You WILL Stand Before Him just like Everyone else!

Romans 14:11
For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.

Romans 14:12
“So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.”

Sons and Daughters of God have Built their Foundation on the Rock!

Isaiah 2:19
“And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.”

They should be Fearing God Almighty Far More than an Agenda from the Powers that be of This Realm!

Revelation 6:14-17
King James Version
14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?


We Built This City

See post link with comments here,
How to tell Who Bears the Mark of the Beast

Silent Running

DCS WORLD | Silent Running | Air National Guard F-16C

Tom Petty RIP Oct. 2, 2017
His interest in rock and roll music began at age ten when he met Elvis Presley. In the summer of 1961, his uncle was working on the set of Presley's film Follow That Dream, in nearby Ocala, and invited Petty to watch the shoot. He instantly became a Presley fan, and when he returned that Saturday, he was greeted by his friend Keith Harben, and soon traded his Wham-O slingshot for a collection of Elvis 45's. Of that meeting with Presley, Petty said, "Elvis glowed.

There was the way to do it. You get your friends and you're a self-contained unit. And you make the music.

He dropped out of high school at age 17 to play bass with his newly formed band.

An Ogeechee lime tree that he purportedly planted while employed at the university is now called the Tom Petty tree (Petty stated that he did not recall planting any trees). He also worked briefly as a gravedigger.

live album Pack Up the Plantation: Live! and an invitation from Bob Dylan—Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers joined him on his True Confessions Tour.

Bob Dylan - Murder Most Foul (Official Audio)

Tom Petty: I Won't Back Down (lyrics)

In 1996 Petty, with the Heartbreakers accompanied Johnny Cash on Unchained (provisionally entitled "Petty Cash"), for which Cash would win a Grammy for Best Country Album (Cash would later cover Petty's "I Won't Back Down" on American III: Solitary Man).

Johnny Cash - I Won't Back Down

Johnny Cash - I Won't Back Down (Lyrics)

Link to those who are part of MI and FightingTheGoodFight
Superb Meme from Great Guarian/Warrior Jessica Lauderdale Calcote

Screen Shot 2021-03-11 at 11.09.58 AM.png

Also if you do a search you will find info like this,

Screen Shot 2021-03-11 at 11.06.05 AM.png

Screen Shot 2021-03-11 at 11.12.55 AM.png

Screen Shot 2021-03-11 at 11.13.24 AM.png



Petty's 2002 release, The Last DJ, was an album-length critique of the practices within the music industry.

The Learning to Fly video covers a "Mrs. Robinson" styled theme or even a Total Eclipse of the Heart style of Preying upon young men and a pedophilia normalization condoned on the basis of it's a female as the perp.

Why is this okay?
It also dives into the Honey Pot being used as a distraction to take others further down.
Clearly this is Not for little eyes as they should be protected.

Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart (Video)

Screen Shot 2021-03-06 at 1.24.08 PM.png


Screen Shot 2021-03-06 at 1.06.38 PM.png

This bears the same mark and theme of signaling what is really going on. ..so the controllers have Told you what they are doing and therefore; you are now responsible for being in the Know, but still going along with it for those Still asleep or sold out to the System or Beast System.

Parallels to
Brendon Uri's
Panic! At The Disco: Hey Look Ma, I Made It [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

Another Great Link from two Fine Warriors/Guardian Jessica Lauderdale Calcote and Tom Tran See their posts on FB for more reveals.


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