Let me see, what do these three people have in common; Steny Hoyer, Shari Bustos and Tom Perez? Does anyone want to hazard a guess? Well, IMHO it is they are, all three of them, LOSERS! They have NO LIFE and they feel the need to dictate yours.
Steny Hoyer will go to any Democratic function where several candidates are addressing an audience and will tell all but “his chosen one” that they should just drop their campaign sine the DCCC had chosen who was going to run. I think that would make a VERY boring election as it would only be the choice of one PERSON, and of course that is giving him a lot of benefit of the doubt, calling him a person.
Shari Bustos is another DCCC personage does nothing but “BLACKLIST” candidates who are progressive and might not agree with her stances. Another person who wants to dictate your life? Come ON, get a life BITCH BUSTOS, let the AMERICAN CITIZENS participate in this REPUBLIC’s DEMOCRACY! The citizenry of this country are, supposedly, very well educated and knowledgeable about how they want their lives to be.
And then there is Tom (I’m not going to put my thumb on the scale) Perez. Need I say more? This guy started out with “Members of the debate are going to poll 1% in order to participate in the debates” then he added a caveat that included $65000.00 in donations. When TULSI GABBARD met these requirements for the first debate, he then changed it to “polling at 2%” in order to qualify for the second debate. When she made that requirement, he again changed the caveat to $75,000.00 in donations, which she also managed to do. Later he allowed a Billionaire from his little boyz club to buy his way in with no polling support, no outside donations, just a $400 Million dollar donation to the DNC and a whole bunch of $$$ to his personal agenda. When Tulsi Gabbard boycotted a debate hoping to get the moderators to ask about policy, she was conveniently dropped from the debate circuit. In the IOWA Primary caucus Perez conveniently allowed Pete Buttigieg to announce his victory even though there had been NO COUNTS completed at the time. He never had him renounce that MISTAKE. The only undisputed victory that he allowed was Bernie Sanders victory in Vermont. Perez has never acknowledged the Sanders victories in Nevada, California or any other States that Sanders has won. WHAT difference is there between “Toilet Paper” Tom and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz?
What difference is there between these 4 people that “dictate” who is going to lead US than ANY OTHER DICTATORIAL POS ever in the world? Do WE not have our own intelligence? Do WE not know what is best for us? DO we need some store bought PUPPET to the wealthiest telling US WHAT WE need? These 4 are the deadliest opponents to DEMOCRACY that we have EVER SEEN. DO NOT be led down the primrose path as that will surely END OUR COUNTRY. STAND UP for yourselves and TELL THEM what is that YOU want/need. Mitch, out
© Mitchell 2020-05-29