LMAO!Just for GAGS!! Drop Your Sentences Here!MAKE ME LAUGH CHALLENGE..
To Know Me is to Know I love, love, LOVE a good sense of humor.
I wasn't even planning on being on Facebook, it just happened I needed to check something up quickly when this meme popped up on my timeline. I was not about to turn a blind eye to a good laugh, man, remembering how bloody it is over here, I just had to indulge.
Humor me Guys, What is that one Corny Sentence or Pick Upline You'd Use? This Post just got me cracking up. Here are some of the Best Responses I have seen on it.
Any position, just let me in 🤣🤣
I hear you have two openings that need to be filled🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I don’t mind starting at the bottom 🤣🤣
I wont stop cause Im tired, I will stop when Im finished. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
may I cum in .....?? (hahah
The pleasure was all mine 🤣🤣
I don't have any experience but I'm willing to learn🤣🤣
It'll be hard but I'm sure I'll fit in🤣
I'm over qualified for this position 🤣
I am able to work under pressure 😉😅
... That's all I got for now... LOL
Posted using Partiko Android
"If we can agree on the price, I'll do the job" hahaha.
".. the position is laid out on the table here, but it says you're currently a chairman?"
"yes, but I'm quite flexible"
Lol Lol..
Can I get that in an Inspirobot?
Wait, that isn't my sentence. Though it kind of works.
WOW haha, I don't even know what to make of this LOL
I'm in but I have to get a raise 😅
haahaha loool
I am a team player, work well in groups. ;)
Am I in? ;)
Bear markets are not going to stop my bull. ;)
LMAO. This is so funny EL. :D