Blockchain Game Light⚡️Nite, I am dreaming of A Pay to Play Video Games Life.
This is a cool game where you shoot people to win Bitcoin, small amounts like 500 Satoshi. But you also get to take loot of their body and sell it for Satoshis too. I can see myself standing over hatchet boy in the picture below. , 500 Satoshi richer and picking up that ax to sell later. I will play for hours and learn to make good money playing a video game. What a great dream life.
I plan to buy the game here at
I will use this discount code because it saves me 5 Euros, I get free gear and 500 Satoshi in my in-game wallet.
Buy this cool game as a Pre-order and save 20% off the price, plus get some free stuff and 500 Satoshis of Bitcoin.
Use this discount code to save 5 Five Euros.
If you want to know more, check out this Community Lightnite! Link
There are Plenty videos About the game.