Everyone is a gold, the only difference is the outcome. Some are patient enough to pass through the fire to get refined and come out shining while some prefer to be in their raw state.
A refined gold attracts and its very useful for different purpose. The same way a gold is refined and converted into different things for different purpose, so also you can be refined and discover new things about yourself and your purpose in life.
We all have a role to play to let the gold in us shine, pay the sacrifice of passing through fire to be refined. Don't keep staring at the fire and unwilling to go through it, dont just jump over it to the next side, don't be in a haste to shine. You need that fire to shine because transformation begins in that fire.
What we call "shine" is the outcome of what happened in the fire. A lot of encounters took place in there to birth "shine". You can't afford to skip the refinery stage.
Submit totally to the Goldsmith (God) and allow him refine you. Until you are refined, you may never know how valuable and useful you can be. Those potentials in you are enough to make you shine, don't leave it dormant inside you. BE REFINED!!!