No puedes estudiar ingenieria/ You cant study engineering [ESP/ENG]
My dream never was to study engineering, I wanted to study law because I believed that it was what I was passionate about, since I was little I dreamed of being a great lawyer, my reference was to be a girl like that of legally blonde, super smart. So I did not think about other career options, for me there was only a dream career "Law" in my school years I realized that mathematics was not my thing, that I was frustrated not understanding anything and that obviously I had to study something that I did not I had mathematics, and of course, I was not going to study something that would make my life squares.

Además que en el transcurso de mi adolescencia me encontraba con personas y profesores que me hacían dudar de mi potencial diciendo: “Si las matemáticas no son tu fuerte, estudia una carrera más sencilla” y muchas cosas más, típicos rompe sueños, ¿cierto?
Yo no me preocupe en querer demostrarles que si podía, porque pensaba que todo lo que decían era cierto. Así que no me esforcé para demostrar mi capacidad y terminé mi bachillerato con la idea de que la ingeniería solamente era para los genios en las matemáticas, para esa chica que sacaba puros 20 en sus exámenes o para ese chico que en menos de 10 minutos podía resolver los ejercicios más complicados, realmente me grabé un chip de psicoterror que me decía “Estudia derecho porque si te vas por otra carrera fracasaras”.
In addition, in the course of my adolescence I met people and teachers who made me doubt my potential saying: "If mathematics is not your strong suit, study a simpler career" and many other things, typical dream breakers, right?
I didn't worry about wanting to show them that I could, because I thought everything they said was true. So I didn't try to show my ability and I finished my high school with the idea that engineering was only for geniuses in mathematics, for that girl who got 20 cigars on her exams or for that boy who in less than 10 minutes could Solving the most complicated exercises, I actually recorded a psychoterror chip that told me "Study law because if you go for another career you will fail."

Llegaron los temidos meses que anunciaban el momento de escoger una carrera, mis padres apoyaban cualquier decisión que tomara, siempre y cuando me sintiera bien con mi elección, pero unos días antes de las inscripciones consultamos mis opciones de estudio con mi abuelo, el cual me dijo que considerara estudiar ingeniería y no derecho, realmente no refute tanto, no me moleste y lo pensé, enseguida mi chip se activo; “Como voy a estudiar ingeniería si las matemáticas se me dan fatal” pero por un momento apagué esa molesta inseguridad tan fastidiosa y como quien se monta en una montaña rusa, dije: Ok lo haré.
Sabía que no sería nada fácil y que no era una elección a la ligera, pero no estaba dispuesta a darme por vencida tan fácilmente, así que me inscribí en ing, y cuando comencé clases me volví un ocho los primeros 3 semestres porque todavía había cierta duda en mi, hasta que por fin desconecte esa absurda idea de no ser suficiente y me puse a estudiar con ganas, me di cuenta que realmente no era mala en matemáticas, ni en física ni en química, mi problema es que no le daba la atención suficiente y me trancaba con el primer obstáculo, lo que mi mente me decía, esa gran inseguridad de no ser inteligente todo era una mentira proporcionaba por mi, un autosabotaje.
The dreaded months arrived that announced the time to choose a career, my parents supported any decision I made, as long as I felt good about my choice, but a few days before enrollment we consulted my study options with my grandfather, who He said to consider studying engineering and not law, I really didn't refute that much, I didn't bother and I thought about it, right away my chip was activated; "How am I going to study engineering if mathematics is fatal to me" but for a moment I turned off that annoying insecurity so annoying and like someone who rides a roller coaster, I said: Ok I will.
I knew it would not be easy at all and it was not a light choice, but I was not willing to give up so easily, so I signed up for ing, and when I started classes I turned an eight the first 3 semesters because there was still some doubt in me, until finally I disconnected that absurd idea of not being enough and I began to study with enthusiasm, I realized that I really was not bad in mathematics, or in physics or in chemistry, my problem is that I did not give the enough attention and I got stuck with the first obstacle, what my mind told me, that great insecurity of not being intelligent everything was a lie provided by me, a self-sabotage.

Hoy en día puedo decir que he vencido esa terrible inseguridad, porque se que soy inteligente, creo en mi y en mi potencial, y es gracias a qué tengo una familia y grandes amigos que nunca dudaron de mi capacidad y que en cada momento de caída estaban para apoyarme y motivarme.
La ingeniería no es para todos, es para aquellos que deciden dejar sus miedos y empiezan a creer en si mismos y en su potencial, si quieres estudiar ingeniería pero te da miedo, hazlo, no le prestes atención al miedo, muchas veces ese terror nos paraliza y no nos permite seguir nuestros sueños.
Today I can say that I have overcome that terrible insecurity, because I know that I am intelligent, I believe in myself and in my potential, and it is thanks to what I have a family and great friends who never doubted my ability and that in every moment of fall they were there to support and motivate me.
Engineering is not for everyone, it is for those who decide to let go of their fears and begin to believe in themselves and in their potential, if you want to study engineering but are afraid of it, do it, do not pay attention to fear, many times that terror us paralyzes and does not allow us to follow our dreams.

Actualmente sigo estudiando ingeniería y me siento feliz, porque me siento como la chica de legalmente rubia, una chica que puede con todo, una amante del maquillaje, del brillo y todo lo glamuroso. Estoy cumpliendo mi sueño!!
No permitas que la opinión de las personas te hagan dudar de ti mismo, cree en tí, en tu capacidad, no solo para estudiar una carrera, creen en ti para triunfar en tu vida, se valiente, honesto y sobretodo, se tu mismo.
Quiero que sepas que cualquier carrera que decidas estudiar requiere de valentía y confianza en ti mismo, si quieres estudiar derecho, arquitectura, arqueología, ingeniería o cualquier otra, tienes que saber que debes creer en ti, no permitas que la duda te haga creer que no eres lo suficientemente inteligente para una carrera, anímate, confía y da lo mejor de ti!!
Currently I am still studying engineering and I feel happy, because I feel like the legally blonde girl, a girl who can do everything, a lover of makeup, glitter and everything glamorous. I am fulfilling my dream !!
Do not allow the opinion of people to make you doubt yourself, believe in yourself, in your ability, not only to study a career, believe in you to succeed in your life, be brave, honest and above all, be yourself.
I want you to know that any career you decide to study requires courage and confidence in yourself, if you want to study law, architecture, archeology, engineering or any other, you have to know that you must believe in yourself, do not allow doubt to make you believe that you are not smart enough for a career, cheer up, trust and do your best !!