Nine Facts About This Water Make Terharu is On Our Earth
March 22 is World Water Day. It's good, in today we ponder for a moment about water.
Man is water. Yes, you could say that. Because the human body is 55% to 78% consists of water. Humans need 1 to 7 liters of water each day to avoid dehydration. But of course depending on weather, activity, humidity and other factors. Man can not eat for a month. But if you do not drink, only a week's ability.
Only 1% of water on earth can be consumed. The Earth we live in is 70% water covered. But that can be consumed only 1%, the rest of which 69% salt water is in the sea.
Conflict on earth comes from waters. History has recorded, human exploration to recognize other territory begins from the waters. Europeans trade to various corners of the earth, but then turn into colonized, through the waters. Conflict is everywhere.
30% fresh water from the soil. Fresh water comes from desalination (sea water turns fresh), melting ice and ground water. The duksung power of soil in providing this fresh water is up to 30%. Either if more and more forests are bare yes.
The earth's rising temperatures can be disastrous. Yes, because water is not just liquid. The water is also solid (ice) and steam. As the temperature of the earth continues to rise, the polar ice will melt and drown the land.
Data 2016, about 780 million inhabitants of the earth do not have access to clean water. Equal to 1 of 9 earth's inhabitants.
Illegal logging is the folly of a chick. Yes, because it has long been known about the water cycle. Water evaporates from the sun, so steam, then rain. The rain makes the soil wet. If the trees are not getting there, the water becomes a disaster.
A total of 3.41 million people die each year due to lack of clean water. This number is more sad when remembering 200 children die every hour because they do not have access to clean water. Water, sanitation, is still an important issue on earth.
- Water that drips every second of the leaking faucet can dispose of 3,000 gallons of water a year.
So, why should we save water and start paying attention to the trees. Come, we are planting a tree every time celebrating a birthday. Because it will be very helpful to the comfort of life on earth.Lagipula, by planting a tree, even though we are dead, his kindness keeps growing to make shade and fruitful.@
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