The SIGNS that the Enemy is before you!
"...I can't get anything done without you..." "...you know you're my right hand..." "...my better half..." "...don't tell me tell my right hand if you want to get it done..."
You love your job but you don't seem to be getting advancement opportunities as readily as others...so what do you do.
First you have to recognize the signs. Some businesses are not meant for growth they are meant for you to get experience and move on. Others are less strategic and don't think about career planning for their employees. Yet others are too small or don't have turn over the creates opportunities. For the ones that are left, how do you identify the signs that you are being ignored?
- Lots a complements but neither your salary nor title has changed for more than 2 years.
- Your reviews don't include a next step in your career. They actually never talk about your development as an employee or your career.
- You never get to present your ideas to the executive level management, its always being done for you. They take all your time and don't let you work with other teams or on projects outside of their involvement.
- Body language changes when you are around influential people. They verbally shut-down conversations.
- They conveniently leave out key information, and are always explaining why they didn't include you in a process. And somehow your idea has become their idea.
FIX THE PROBLEM - Begin to network with managers outside your group, company events, water cooler chats, coffee breaks, elevator rides. Anyplace you can connect
- Make a friend in HR. Tactically point out to them you are looking for growth and you see your self contributing in specific ways. Remind them of your skill set and how much you've learned, so they remember when you are not around to keep you name at the top of their mind for the next opportunity.
- Create an ally. Get to know leadership, executives and/or your bosses boss. If a project you worked on went really well, make it a point to see the VIP connected with the project, mention how excited you were to work on the project, your contribution and the result. It's important to be succinct in these conversations.
Final note, managers who pretend they have your best interest at heart are insecure and see you as more competent than they are and want to stop you from taking their job. It's important not to get frustrated; remain positive; let your work speak for you; be consistent; and if you aren't getting anywhere write the resume and change jobs.
I'd love to hear your thoughts, comments, questions:
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