An open invitation to...Everyone
A community is made up of many people; Individuals who connect with others, each bringing their own unique element to create the whole. A Community is much like Lego in that way as a completed Lego-build is simply many individual elements combining to create the completed model.

In early February 2020 the LEGO Community sprang to life with the intention of bringing people together in a similar way to how a Lego build is constructed...Piece by piece. Like any community the LEGO Community relies on people connecting with people to build it and to bring creativity, passion and personality to life. It is with that premise in mind it was created. logo source
Like Lego itself the Community's function is unlimited - It's Lego-oriented of course, but we don't operate within established boundaries. We promote creativity, both in Lego-builds and in the posts we accept here in the LEGO Community.
It was never the intention to limit the post-content to Lego-builds alone. If it is Lego-oriented it will fit into the Community. It's your community in fact, and is only limited by your own imagination.
I think the Lego Group mission statement says it better than I could:
Lego group Mission statement:
'Inspire and develop the builders of tomorrow' Our ultimate purpose is to inspire and develop children to think creatively, reason systematically and release their potential to shape their own future - experiencing the endless human possibility.
Inspire and develop
Think creatively
Release potential
Shape the future
Endless possibility
Powerful words that fit right into the LEGO Community's ethos and purpose and we would like to invite you all to apply them here with your Lego-oriented content.
We invite you all to drop your posts into the LEGO Community - And challenge you to get creative.
Even if you don't build Lego.
You may want to write a creative piece about Lego, a story from your childhood or your children's experiences...You'll have a story to tell if you stepped on one for sure!
You may want to showcase a build, share a video or stop-motion video, your Lego photography, ask questions of other Lego-lovers, share Lego history and general knowledge, or simply engage in some banter in comments on LEGO Community posts - The options are only limited by your imagination and creativity and we urge you to allow it to run free.
Here at the LEGO Community we'll always promote engagement and interaction and seek to encourage people who post. We will also have the occasional giveaway or competition for people to engage with and are open to ideas and suggestions.
In 1932 Ole Kirk Christiansen began the Lego journey in a factory in Billund, Denemark. The name Lego came from the Danish phrase "leg godt" which means play well and since then millions of people have been doing just that.
Playing well, with Lego.
The LEGO Community is a place for you to do so here on the blockchain and we look forward to building it with you, person by person, post by post, brick by brick.
"Leg godt" - Play well.
Join the LEGO community here
I will do my best to get my son involved. Then dang video games get in the way of his creativity, and Dad dragging him out to turn some wrenches. Lol. I have always been a lego fan but just can’t find the time. Thanks for doing this!! AWESOME!!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Hey mate, thanks for the resteem!
It would be cool to get more involved - It will happen in time I guess. Like all good things, it will take time to develop.
I hope you have a great weekend!
@jlsplatts you have received
from @galenkp!View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine.
What a nice way to promote a game that looking at it like that, if it is very intimately related to life itself and our interaction with those around us. I love that similarity and the breadth of this community in terms of welcoming people who play with creativity and test it as much in terms of the game as in terms of life itself and its emotions. I loved this writing and this vision. I remember that my father did not earn much money, but one of the games he bought me was precisely a Lego because he said that it would encourage my creativity as a person. He made dollhouses and people who were not very pretty, but who made up my childhood world for that game at that beautiful time. I'll keep an eye out for that story. Thanks for always sharing interesting things with great content, dear @galenkp. I wish you a beautiful weekend and give you a big hug.
Thank you.
The first post I did for the Lego Community didn't work out because I tagged it incorrectly - Dumb huh? So I decided, prompted by @brickmanbrad, to do this one and pin it to the Community feed for all to read.
It would be good to see more Lego people come in, but we wanted to invite anyone posting about Lego to do so, and to engage in comments too.
Thanks for your nice words. Have a great weekend.
I think I will dare to tell my childhood Lego story, even if I don't have original photos I think it would be a nice experience. Thank you for responding. Happy weekend too... @galenkp
Sounds like a good plan. Anything Lego-oriented is welcome. 😊
(I wish someone world invent a Lego emoji.)
@marybellrg you have received
from @galenkp!View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine.
I mean, how are we feeling about posting Mega Bloks and K'nex to this community? Could I perhaps build a dildo machine out of K'nex and share it here? These are the things I need to know.
Hmm, Mega Bloks dildo posting...I think I might need to draw the line there...Not the dildo part, the Mega Bloks and K'nex posting...Lego wannabe's I reckon. If you make a Lego dildo then post away, Duplo also. You might also want to do some supporting video...Lol.
Woooah. K'nex is not a wannabe, you could actually probably make a working vibrator or fleshlight with those. You find me a working sex toy out of Lego's, you can't do it, except for those people who probably use them for sounding. But, those people are insane and don't count.
I'm not sure I have enough time in my life to go on an Indiana Jones-style Lego sex toy hunt.
Lego Style....
Roses are Red - Legos are Too - We need some Video - Shot just by You.
Video of Projects - Narrated while nude - With Grouchy singing show tunes - And acting really rude .
But no worries mate - He's an Awesome little guy - Even tho He's only 3 inches high.
With Oreos dipped in an Awesome Legit Brew - We sit and we ponder - What Next will G-man do.?
The Gimble will correct - All the Errors You do - So record it now bro - Before Steem goes TRON dude.
Shitty I know - The poetry I spew - But read it You must - For a good laugh or 2.
I will stop now - cuz My poetry is crude - My brains starting to hurt - And I sound like a Fool..... Lmao

I wanna hear Jonboy do some redneck poetry.... @janton
Howdy again sir galenkp! What a great breakdown or overview of the Lego community philosophy, well done! I had no idea when it was invented, 1932, very interesting tid bit there.