SLC22-W3 || Human Rights (DDHH)

in #law-s22w32 months ago

How are you friends ? Hope you will be healthy happy and well . I am also fit and healthy.Today i want to take participate in contest SLC22-W3 / Human Rights (DDHH) organized by @anasuleidy.

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Part I

Based on what was explained in class state in your own words and with explanations whether you consider that human rights are respected or violated in your country.

Although the Constitution and regulations in my nation Pakistan safeguard human rights many abuses still occur. Sometimes the legal system's delays or corruption prevent people from receiving justice. Not everyone has access to their fundamental rights as seen by problems like gender inequality child labor and a lack of healthcare and education. Even while the government and groups are trying to make things better much more work is required to guarantee equality and justice for all citizens. However because people are ignorant of their rights and certain groups abuse their position infractions frequently occur.

Discrimination and unequal treatment are commonplace for women minorities and poor people. Only when the government takes proactive measures to remedy these problems can human rights be completely upheld.ensures the instruction administration of justice. Campaigns to raise public awareness and more robust legal enforcement are also required. The protection of human rights in Pakistan can be improved by empowering citizens and holding government responsible.

Please state according to the laws of your country whether Human Rights have the same value as the Constitution of your country whether they are supra-constitutional or whether the Constitution prevails over international treaties on Human Rights

Both international treaties and Pakistan's Constitution safeguard human rights. Although the Constitution is the ultimate legislation in our country Pakistan also abides by the human rights treaties it has signed with other countries. Even if certain rights are not stated in the Constitution these treaties serve as a guidance for the government in ensuring justice and equality. This balance demonstrates the tight relationship between the Constitution and human rights yet the Constitution has the last word in judicial disputes. Nonetheless a lot of people think that human rights need to be given the same weight as the Constitution.

This would guarantee adherence to global norms particularly in areas where the Constitution requires enhancement. For instance more focus is required on problems like gender equality minority rights and freedom of speech. If human rights were given more importance it might aid in resolving these issues and establishing a more equitable society. Progress requires a stronger dedication to human rights and the Constitution.

Part II

I mentioned any organisation in your region that has jurisdiction over human rights. In your opinion how useful it has been and how its operation has influenced respect for human rights in your country.

The primary human rights organization in Pakistan is the National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR). It looks into claims of rights abuses spreads knowledge and gives the government policy recommendations. Although the NCHR has taken action to draw attention to concerns such as women rights child labor and minority protection political meddling and a lack of funding frequently limit its efficacy. It has contributed to raising awareness and drawing attention to human rights abuses in spite of these obstacles. The work of the NCHR has sparked certain advancements in human rights including stronger legislation against child abuse and domestic violence.

Still a lot of people deal with problems like discrimination and delayed justice. The NCHR needs more assistance in order to have a greater impact.autonomy as well as public collaboration. The NCHR can contribute to the development of a more robust system in which everyone's rights are upheld and safeguarded if the government and the general population cooperate.

Have you or someone close to you been a victim of human rights violations? If so what was the situation and were you able to assert your rights?

Yes I have seen severe human rights abuses against a low income family. They were mistreated by a wealthy family from the same village. They would instigate little issues in order to harass beat and even tear down their home wall. The wealthy family eventually forcefully occupied their house and drove them out. Due to their lack of resources and authority the impoverished family attempted to acquire assistance but nobody not even the police supported them.

Fortunately the family later relocated to a different hamlet where with Allah blessing they constructed a new house and began a better life. They are no longer persecuted and live in peace. This instance demonstrates how unjust life may be for those in need.particularly in the absence of someone to defend their rights. It serves as a reminder of how critical it is to defend justice and guarantee that everyone regardless of socioeconomic station is treated equally.

Part III

Case study 1



A woman loses her son when he dies at the hands of assailants who kill him to steal his car. The assailants are later arrested and prosecuted for the murder. He is serving the sentence provided for by law. However the woman believes that her right to life has been violated and decides to file a complaint with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

Please state whether you believe that the human rights of the victim in this case were indeed violated and whether the complaint to the aforementioned body should be admitted or not. Explain your answers.

In this instance the attackers killed the woman son by stealing his car which is a horrible act. The widow believes her right to life was infringed because losing her son has had a significant impact on her life even though the attackers have been apprehended and are currently serving their term. However the state not private citizens is typically held accountable for human rights abuses. It might not be considered a breach of her human rights because the government was not directly responsible for her son death. It is crucial to first determine whether all local legal procedures have been exhausted before filing a complaint with the Inter American Commission on Human Rights. If the government does not administer justice for example by failing to conduct a thorough investigation into the crime or bringing the murderers to justice then her grievance might have merit. However the state's obligation to pursue justice was met in this instance since the attackers were apprehended and punished.

Although the woman death is heartbreaking and her grief is understandable the Inter-American Commission is focused on making countries responsible for human rights abuses. The complaint might not be accepted because the government prosecuted the culprits in accordance with the law. Nevertheless this example emphasizes how important it is for society to maintain security and stop these crimes which have a severe negative impact on communities and families.

Case study 2.

A person is arrested in the middle of an anti-government protest. He is beaten by police officers resulting in his death. The prosecutor assigned to the case begins the investigation without being able to precisely identify the perpetrators of this murder. Several years go by and the victim's relatives turn to the prosecutor's office for an answer and are told that the case has been closed because several years have passed without being able to identify the officers who caused the death.

Please state whether you believe that the human rights of both the victim and his/her family are being violated. Explain your answers.



The protester human rights were obviously infringed in this instance. He died as a result of being assaulted by police during a demonstration. Law enforcement who are meant to protect not injure citizens is seriously abusing their authority in this way. The state blatantly violated the victim human rights by denying them both the freedom to protest and the right to live. The rights of the victim's relatives are also being violated. They are entitled to justice and information regarding the fate of their loved one.

But after years the prosecutor dismissed the case without naming the guilty police depriving the family of justice and the truth. Their misery is exacerbated by the state lack of accountability and damages their faith in the judicial system. Such acts demonstrate the state's inability to fulfill its obligations to uphold justice and safeguard human rights. An unresolved matter shouldn't be forced upon the family. Reopening the inquiry maintaining transparency and holding those accountable are all necessary in this case. Only then will the family be able to move on and trust the system that is supposed to keep them safe.


I invite @goodybest @amnasafder and @saboohi to take participate in this contest


Thank you


Bundles of thanks to you for taking the time to read my post and I sincerely hope that my creative insights will be enjoyed by everyone here.



@neelofar from Pakistan



Your voice matters, and your advocacy for human rights is deeply appreciated by all who care about justice.

Hello friend greetings to you, hope you are doing well and good.

Human rights are the inborn rights of every human. It's their rights because they are human. My question to you is, is their any such thing as human rights in Pakistan? To be honest and quite unfortunately no. You have best understanding regarding this topic and you have explained both the topics very well.

I wish you best of luck in the contest dear friend. Keep blessing.

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