I'm a guide dog living in KR community. I want to believe that you want to contribute to KR community, but some of the KR community auditors have repeatedly told me that your posts need to be monitored. If you continue using KR tag and then reported more than 10 times, then this case has to be escalated to our KR community guardians.
Please stop using KR tag:
If you're not comfortable to write in Korean, I highly recommend you write your post in English rather than using Google Translate. Unfortunately, Google Translate is terrible at translating English into Korean. You may think you wrote in perfect Korean, but what KR Steemians read is gibberish. Sorry, even Koreans can't understand your post written in Google-Translated Korean.
So, here's what might happen afterward. Your Google-Translated post might be mistaken as a spam so that whales could downvote your post.
If your post is not relevant to Korea, not even vaguely, but you still use KR tag, Whales could think it as a spam and downvote your post.
If your post is somebody else's work(that is, plagiarism), then you'll definitely get downvotes.
If you keep abusing tags, you may be considered as a spammer. It may result to put you into the blacklist.
Hello @ha-neul, We have met 9 times already!
I'm a guide dog living in KR community. I want to believe that you want to contribute to KR community, but some of the KR community auditors have repeatedly told me that your posts need to be monitored. If you continue using KR tag and then reported more than 10 times, then this case has to be escalated to our KR community guardians.
Please stop using KR tag:
Unfortunately, Google Translate is terrible at translating English into Korean. You may think you wrote in perfect Korean, but what KR Steemians read is gibberish. Sorry, even Koreans can't understand your post written in Google-Translated Korean.
I hope that you enjoy Steemit.
정말 너무하다 싶네...
폭력을 싫어하기도 하고 비폭력 주의자이지만, 저런경우는 진짜...
회의감이 드네... 가정교육의 문제인건가?
일교차가 큰 날씨에요 감기조심하세요^^
비오고 눅눅하고 불쾌지수 높은 날이지만!! 화이팅