Winners Writing Course - Lesson 3

in Knack4buzz5 months ago (edited)


Dear Reader,

In Lesson 3 of #wewrite, we paid attention to freewriting, commenting, and the diary. For each we visited a different community (WOX, Dream Steem and a community of choice).
We had 20 participants and 13 did all tasks.

Results of the tasks

Task 1 - Freewriting
We joined a contest with the keyword 'change of plans' in the Dream Steem Community.

  • Rules set by the community were not read
  • Text was not written in English/no English translation was added even after asking twice.
  • Links to the given comments were not added
  • Comments were given but the author did not always receive an upvote.
  • Comments did not follow the rules as taught in Lesson 2 (see also the report for commenting).
  • A comment was left but there was no engagement.

Task 2 - Commenting
We joined the discussion in the Talk Channel - Comment or ask a Question hosted by @adeljose in the community World Of Xpilar.

  • No one asked WOX a question or a Steemit-related one.
  • The answers to the 3 topics were given as filling out a questionnaire.
  • Comments were given but the author did not always receive an upvote.
  • Comments did not follow the rules as taught in Lesson 2 (see also the report for commenting).
  • A comment was left but there was no engagement.
  • The answers were diverse and thoughtful
  • The engagement was low although @adeljose answered everyone and added valuable information.

Task 3 - The Diary
"It is the diary's turn. One that everyone wants to read, and is good enough to be sold".
The diary should be a 15 minute write and a timer should be set. The topics discussed in Talk Channel had to be mentioned and a clickbait title was asked.

  • The text did not look like a diary
  • The title was not flashy, creative, it was not a clickbait. The word "The Diary Game + date were still mentioned!
  • A timer wasn't set - no 15 minute write
  • Wrong hashtags were used because of the community of choice although options were provided.
  • Participants did not try to comment/engage by following the hashtag #wewrite03.


  • I checked the comments of the participants who followed Lesson 2 and Lesson 3 and noticed that longer comments are not made after the lessons finished.
  • @weisser-rabe mentioned in the new keyword of the week the experience with the participants. It is wise to read it.

The Winners

The winners were calculated by adding up the points obtained in tasks 1, 2 and 3.
Although the report could not be left everywhere we followed the point system. In addition, the comments were reviewed (1 point) and so was engagement (1 point).
1 point was deducted for not following the rules such as listing the links and adding an English translation after request. Next the Diary entries were reviewed if the focus was on the topic, title and use of hashtags.

Note: From Lesson 3, participants who do not use the correct hashtags or title (see the report) will not be able to win; this regardless of the total points earned.

#1 @marito74 - 31 points

The focus is on the topics of Talk Channel combined with the time we have to comment next to our commitments in real life.

¡Eyy gana mas steem sólo haz clik!

#2 @cruzamilcar63 - 30 points

The focus is on the topics of Talk Channel, the author added humour which makes one smile.

Si no comentas, tendrás que irte

#2 @joslud - 30 points

The focus is on the topics of Talk Channel and a healthy dose of humour is involved.

Elegir "hashtags", una concha de mango | Opinión

#4 @mariami - 28 points

Entertaining, spreads joy but the focus is not on the topics of Talk Channel.

"Un café que terminó en espumoso brindis"

#5 @sbamsoneu - 27 points

A good diary / freewrite where feelings, openess and honesty are shared but the focus is not on the topics of Talk Channel.

From Sickness to Firefighting: A Week of Unexpected Challenges



Thank you very much @wakeupkitty,@inspiracion, @yancar , for the kindness during the task verification, for this very nice mention. I confess that you have taken me out of my comfort zone 🙈 but it has been nice 🤗👍.

The course is full of exciting news at least for me, they are walking us through different communities,even a talk show that I loved.

I have also been confused a few times but it is also part of the process to clarify doubts and receive that clarification,thank you.

We keep reading each other, big hugs, every day you learn something new 💕.

Muchas gracias @wakeupkitty,@inspiracion, @yancar , por la amabilidad durante la verificación de la tarea, por esta mención tan bonita. Confieso que me habéis sacado de mi zona de confort pero ha sido bonito .

El curso está lleno de novedades emocionantes al menos para mí, nos están paseando por diferentes comunidades,incluso un programa de entrevistas que me ha encantado.

También me he confundido algunas veces pero también es parte del proceso aclarar dudas y recibir esa aclaración,gracias.

Nos seguimos leyendo,un gran abrazo,cada día se aprende algo nuevo .

Muchas gracias

Wao, recibir mi comienzo de actividades en la plataforma con esta noticia es **maravillosa**. Le doy la gloria a Dios y agradezco a @wakeupkitty, @inspiracion y @yancar por el gran trabajo realizado en cada evaluación de las tareas del curso de escritura y al duo de talentosas auspiciadoras por propiciar el mismo . Felicidades a mis homólogos @marito74, @cruzamilca63, @joslud y @sbamsoneu, excelente trabajo. Continúen los éxitos.

Wow, receiving my start of activities on the platform with this news is wonderful. I give the glory to God and I thank @wakeupkitty, @inspiracion and @yancar for the great work done in each evaluation of the writing course tasks and the duo of talented sponsors for facilitating the same. Congratulations to my counterparts @marito74, @cruzamilca63, @joslud and @sbamsoneu, excellent work. Continue the successes.

 5 months ago 

I would say: Thank yourself because it was you who wrote. It indeed was a huge job to read and follow all your traces but it was fun as well. This time it took extra long since the server was mainly down since last Friday and I kept trying (stupid me) which did cost me 2 of my nights till I decided to give up) .

So congrats to you and happy writing!

Oh friend, sad about your developments, I don't doubt that you have continued trying, because that is what responsible and committed people are like with what they do on and off the platform. Blessings and successes everywhere.

 5 months ago 

Thank you very much, a great weekend to you.

Me encanta compartir contigo amiga ,un gran abrazo 🤗

 5 months ago 

Thank you for your kind response and most of all writing with us. Just like it is for you, it's also a journey for me and it's great to read that many entries I rarely see in such a short time.
Please, if something makes you feel uncomfortable let me know.

If it comes to Talk Channel the new one is posted.

For now we struggle on with the server which seems to let me in once in a while for an hour or so.
A great day to you and happy writing.

Agradecido porque tomen en cuenta nuestro trabajo para ubicarlo en el selecto cuadro de los ganadores, junto a grandes figuras de este ecosistema. Muchas felicitaciones para todo el equipo por el gran trabajo que vienen realizando. Un gran saludo.

Grateful that our work has been taken into account and placed in the select group of winners, together with great figures of this ecosystem. Congratulations to the whole team for the great work they are doing. Best regards.

 5 months ago 

It is well deserved and this is the way how it should be. I am happy the teaching team works differently from the sec contest where it was not allowed to be among the winners if you already won. Good should be rewarded and what you wrote is good. I hope everyone who joins will benefit from this course and also if the 6 weeks are over.
A great weekend to you and happy writing!

La verdad es que continué porque me gusta escribir y los retos que propone este equipo, pero pensaba que no volvería a estar entre los ganadores... Fue una grata sorpresa. Saludos.

How you add up the points please?

 5 months ago 

Here you can read how the points are calculated

It is mentioned if the winners are announced.

In short: Points are given for every task plus some extra for commenting (and engagement).

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