"Let's Plant Tomatoes!"

in Knack4buzz5 days ago

Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

My New Hobbies in this Ramadhan.


Tomato plant seeds


Tools and materials for planting.


Soil that has been mixed with natural fertilizer


Put the soil mixture into a polybag


Put them in a basket


Plant tomato seeds in polybags


Don't forget to water it, steemian


Yeah, the basket is full. grow well my plants!

Hayuk menanam teman, Saya mengundang pak @bahrol, kk @sailawana @suryatij, @iqlimaa @wati untuk meramaikan kontes ini. Semoga kita berhasil.

Bye..., sampai jumpa lagi di publikasiku yang lain.Terima kasih telah singgah dan membaca🙏




Semoga beruntung dek☺️,cara semai tanaman tomat yang harus kita coba👍🏻🥰

Aamiin. Boleh-boleh kak...selamat mencoba🙃

Rajin x lah dek, klu udh panen bagi2 ya...

Okk ibu.. siap nanti saya kabari 😅

 4 days ago (edited)

I can grow them from seeds but the tomatoes will never be ripe before the next winter starts. Now it still freezes at night 🥴

I thought about buying plants yesterday as I was digging around in the garden.

ohh you are absolutely right. does your place have winter?.
I live in Aceh, Indonesia. There is only dry and rainy season here.

 4 days ago 

Yes, we have winter and like my child said as I asked if spring finally starts: It's mainly winter if we are lucky we have 2 weeks of good weather per year.

The winter (cold weather) eats one, affects health, joints, skin, muscles and the mood. It's hard to keep us and our homes warm (high costs), the plus is no fridge is needed.
We have a huge lack of sun, vitamine D and fruits (vitamine C).


ohh i see...
it's very different from where I live. Here the sun shines almost all year round. when the dry season arrives, we even run out of water. however, when the rainy season comes sometimes it causes flooding. whatever it is I am grateful to be able to live in this area with my family and in good health. I also hope you are always healthy my friend. I am happy to be able to exchange information like this.

 3 days ago 

Out of water I run too. I have my own well and without rain there's a lack, if it freezes there might be a problem and so is if there's no electricity. So I amor at least try to be prepared for those days. Thus far we servived 😁

A happy Friday to you and thanks for the reply.


Senang sekali temanku. Selamat hari sabtu!✨️🤗

my pleasure my friend. happy saturday!✨️🤗

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