Can you 'convert' to become a SECULAR 'Jew'?
If Judaism is an ethnic group, and not JUST a religion (which all the racial vilification injustices MUST assume, as 'jews' are NOT a 'race', as Professor Markus stated in Brendon O'Connell's trial), then it MUST be possible for me, who rejects Judaism as a religion, to still 'convert' and become a 'SECULAR' 'Jew'.
Now if no Rabbi will send my details on to Israel for 'confirmation' that I am indeed now a 'secular' 'Jew', then surely this proves the argument that Jewishness IS based around RELIGION
Clearly ALL the clothing, food, holidays, and other 'rituals' and 'beliefs' the Jews have, including the new religion of 'Holocaustianity' are 'RELIGIOUS' in nature, taken from RELIGIOUS books and BELIEFS held as DOGMA and 'tenets of faith'.
Please contact your local Rabbi and ask him to perform whatever ceremony and send whatever paperwork is required to whoever must 'sign' it, to convert you into a 'Secular' 'Jew'.
You see, most 'Jews' state they are NOT religious. They do NOT practice the religion of Judaism. And yet they will have you imprisoned for 'RACIAL vilification'.
So if it is possible to be born a 'Jew', though publicly state you are not practising the Judaic religion, and if it is possible to convert to 'Judaism' by claiming you BELIEVE you must have 'Jewish' ancestry' and share in the 'Jewish blood-line', then combining the two should mean it IS possible to convert to becoming a 'secular' 'Jew'.
Let me know what YOU think about this.
And if you end up in court defending yourself against charges of Racial vilification, incitement, hate speech, anti-semitism etc, then be sure to call to the witness stand a Rabbi, and put this request to him.
Please Go Vegan, For as you do unto others, so shall be done unto you. Deserve justice and freedom for yourself by giving all sentient beings freedom and justice.