Joss could have learned from his better characters
I don't know if the allegations against Joss Whedon are true, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were.
I've loved Firefly since before I was able to watch it, but I was always somewhat less impressed by Whedon as a person.
For all his great characters, dialog, and guns he has expressed the views of a "Left-statist" with anti-gun bigotry. I've never seen an anti-gun bigot who was truly a great person. There's a reason someone doesn't want others able to defend themselves from violators, and I don't buy the canned excuses they use.
He may be completely innocent, and if so, I hope the truth comes out. I hope the truth comes out either way. I'm not going to stop being a Browncoat no matter what happens with Joss. Many of the characters he created may well be better people than he is. (But that's probably the case with all fiction writers.)
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Firefly was great, it was like Cowboy Bebop and Star Trek had a child.
Sad to read how little you think of me, I am a Left-Statist anti-gun Bigot. At least in this one regard, I disagree with Libertarians. I like my guns banned, just because I don't want any shoot outs in my country. If somebody tries to kill me he has to come within stabbing distance and I can defend or just completely avoid the situation. With a gun somebody can shoot me in the back from 500 feet away.
I think badly of anyone who approves of violating natural human rights, no matter why they do so, or how they imagine it's justified. Just like other forms of slavery, it's just not ethical under any circumstances.
Bad guys can still have guns even when they are banned. It just means you only have a knife to defend yourself from him and his gun. I don't want that for you.
No one has the right to violate natural human rights, and the right to own and to carry weapons is as natural as human rights come. Yes, even if a government chooses to violate that right it still exists untouched.
I understand hat from an ethical-logical point of view. However I fear legalizing will lead to too many guns in the hands of too many idiots.
I am also totally fine with keeping my head down while getting robbed and just go to the police afterwards. Even if I had a gun I would not want the situation to escalate.
The problem is never "too many guns", but too few. When you are being violated and you don't have a gun, that's one gun too few.
And robbers don't always want only your money. If that were the case you might have a point. But sometimes they want to kill you or do something else to you (or worse, to your loved-ones) that the police can't put right.
It's not "escalation" to end the attack with (or without) a gun. Anti-gun attitudes are simply insane. Sorry.
It's not your fault; you've been brainwashed by people who don't want you able to defend yourself from things you wouldn't allow them to do to you if you were adequately armed. That includes government, but also probably the media you're exposed to. They are lying to you about gun ownership, and you don't have the real-world experience to realize they are lying.
no need to hold back, I am no left-winger anymore in many respects and I admit I was brainwashed in that respect in school, but I am rather confident on my stance on guns.
There is one thing about never having fired a firearm, I am pretty sure I would love guns, I like the engineering and the feeling that my cock just doubled in size as soon as I hold a gun. Oh yeah I held one before and that felt really good.
The game my avatar is from is Jagged Alliance 2 and you have a lot of authentic guns in there, always even giving a short witty backstory to the gun.
My last point would be that I am a big guy. Not really huge, but quite strong. I am pretty sure I can kill 80% of all other males with my bare hands. I lose that advantage when guns come into play. I can also adapt the damage I do. With a gun its always a hospitalizing wound with a threat of being lethal.
I've never gotten a sexual thrill from a gun. That seems to be unique to people who are ignorant about (or hate) guns. If you actually learned about guns, you'd realize your previous confidence was based on lies you've been told.
With a gun-- usually you can stop the threat without even firing a shot, due to the fact that the bad guy doesn't want to risk being killed or hospitalized. So, again, you can adapt the damage you do; an appropriate level depending on the actions of the attacker. I'll never understand why anti-gunners imagine it is more ethical to kill an attacker with your bare hands than by shooting them. The result is the same, but I suppose governments can ban hands, so that explains a lot of it.
I don't even care if someone makes the individual choice to reject guns. What I hate is when they imagine their ignorance and fear entitles them to dictate their choice onto everyone else. And that's the difference between simply not liking guns and being an anti-gun bigot.
yup, I told you. In that regard I am exactly the person you hate. I like guns, if it was legal I would buy one most likely. However I don't want the idiots around me to have them.