Italygame Witness has produced its first block! - Italygame Witness ha prodotto il suo primo blocco! [ENG-ITA]
Hello everyone!
Yesterday we started with a great new adventure and in this post we have announced Italygame Witness.

Today, after checking that everything was in order, we started at full capacity and thanks above all to the support we received from some great users and friends, we are happy to inform you that we have produced our first block!!

Block: 51460117
2021-02-23, 11:57:57
I'm really very excited and enthusiastic about this new challenge and I have already had the opportunity to chat and confront with some users to understand their point of view on what can be the ideas to be put in place to launch the Steem blockchain even higher.
I take this opportunity to thank all those who have already supported and trusted us and all those who will.
It's very important for us to be able to count on the support of the Community, because the growth of deserving and talented users is our main goal.

I remind you that the Italygame Witness Team is made up of:
@girolamomarotta - Witness Admin & Italy Community Admin
@sardrt - Witness Manager & Italy Community Admin
@ilnegro - Witness IT Manager
@mikitaly - Witness Manager & Italy Community Mod
@mad-runner - Witness Ambassador

These are the technical features of our server:
8 vCPU Cores
800 GB SSD
600 Mbit/s Port
OS: Ubuntu 18.04 (64 Bit)

If you want to support us and walk this road with us, you can vote here 👉
If we are not among the top 100 witnesses, type italygame (all lowercase) in the bar at the bottom of the page and click VOTE

Thanks to all of you

Ciao a tutti!
Ieri siamo partiti con una nuova grandissima avventura e in questo post abbiamo annunciato Italygame Witness.

Oggi, dopo aver verificato che tutto fosse a posto, siamo partiti a pieno regime e grazie soprattutto al supporto che abbiamo ricevuto da alcuni ottimi utenti e amici, siamo lieti di comunicarvi che abbiamo prodotto il nostro primo blocco!!

Blocco: 51460117
23/02/2021 - ore 11:57:57
Sono davvero molto emozionato ed entusiasta di questa nuova sfida e ho già avuto modo di parlare e confrontarmi con alcuni utenti per capire il loro punto di vista su quelle che possono essere le idee da mettere in campo per lanciare la blockchain Steem ancora più in alto.
Colgo l'occasione per ringraziare tutti coloro che ci hanno già appoggiato e dato fiducia e tutti quelli che lo faranno.
Per noi è molto importante poter contare sul sostegno della Community, perché la crescita degli utenti meritevoli e di talento è il nostro obiettivo principale.

Vi ricordo che il Team di Italygame Witness è composto da:
@girolamomarotta - Witness Admin & Italy Community Admin
@sardrt - Witness Manager & Italy Community Admin
@ilnegro - Witness IT Manager
@mikitaly - Witness Manager & Italy Community Mod
@mad-runner - Witness Ambassador

Queste sono le caratteristiche tecniche del nostro server:
8 vCPU Cores
800 GB SSD
600 Mbit/s Port
OS: Ubuntu 18.04 (64 Bit)

Se avete voglia di supportarci e di percorrere insieme a noi questo cammino, potete votarci qui 👉
Se non siamo tra i primi 100 witness, digitate italygame (tutto minuscolo) nella barra in fondo alla pagina e cliccate VOTA

Grazie a tutti

Thank you my friend 💪
You are welcome
Good job ! Congratulations !
Thank you very much for your support!! You’re a great contributor on the Steem blockchain
Congratulations on the production of your first block. Best of luck!!!!!
On the production of your
First block. Best of luck!!!!!
- njaywan
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
Thank you very much!!
congratulation! Great Team!!!
Congratulations!!! I am very new to the community and to Steemit, but from what I have read in your post, I see that it is a great achievement ... Great
Congratuation~ I voted it.
I made a token on Steemit. Steem-Engine's jcar and TRC-20 created TJCAR tokens. I think your team's participation in witnesses will be of great help to the Steemit ecosystem. Good luck. I will vote for your team on all accounts of the TJCAR Token Project.(jsquare, j-car, jcar.stake, tjcar.pool, localview
Congrats ! :) 💙 ♩♬♬
always have a great day !
witness voted for @italygane 💙