Zionists Invent Way to Create Water Out of Thin Air

Ho hum...just an appliance that produces water out of thin air.
Photo credit: WatergenGENNY, the Israeli-innovated home appliance that generates water out of thin air, was named the Consumer Technology Association’s Energy Efficiency Product of the Year in the 2020 Smart Home Mark of Excellence Awards at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas Wednesday night – an award series that annually recognizes the tech industry’s top smart home innovations.
Created by the environmentally savvy Rishon Lezion-based tech company Watergen, the water-from-air system taps into atmospheric water using patented heat-exchange technology, producing up to 30 liters of potable water for a home or office every day – significantly reducing plastic usage and disposal by eliminating the waste caused by drinking bottled water.
What a dilemma for the 'woke' BDS-holes - a product that is great for the environment, yet produced by those pesky Jews Zionists. I am guessing they will chose to boycott it, even when needing to wash down the bitter pill.
In any event, this truly is ingenious.
But not as ingenious as the palestinian Arabs' creating a distinct identity out of thin air.
Posted from Israellycool with SteemPress : https://www.israellycool.com/2020/01/10/zionists-invent-way-to-create-water-out-of-thin-air/