The WIndow of Life on the new best friend of steemit. People pay $4 for 30 second media, $0 for 60 second media (Youtube Videos)
This Website has 2000 people watching an Alley whre crackheads gather, a man lives theer was tired of it and posted a Video Camera on Youtube 24/7 with $5 30 sec and $10 60 second youtube audio donations so you can pay paypal streamlabs and get donations
When gets shut down we will need backups on @threespeak and steemit communities
Ok so, when Saidit gets taken down theyll need a steem community
There it is, the backup for IP2 . i will mod all the Ip2 mods and even give them their CX token
Anyway this "Window of Life" is like a science experiment
I want streams on EVERY corner, monetize the surveillance society. Private property trumps public and anyone with private property is ALLOWED to stream all the crackheads they want. I think every street should have private monetized streams like this.
This site needs steem
We need a Steem SPS Proposal for Saidit
Streamings, crackheads, monetization etc. Everthing goes down to the fact that there’s supposed to be a form of reward for both producers and consumers, and on the blockchain so far, we’ve witnessed several usual every day product and services being displayed here on blockchain
Yeah man i plan a big network of these private security cameras monetized by viewers turn america into one big theatre and it will help solve crime.